Duplicated Hotkeys and Modifier keys bug

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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Duplicated Hotkeys and Modifier keys bug

Post by Kukurykus »

In settings, for Hotkeys and Modifier keys we can assign keys that were assigned in other cell. That happens when one of both mentioned lables is set and then we do it for other, or doing it within one label. It also is not detectable when some key is already assigned, then changes applied and then settings are reopened to use same key for other cell. Lock possibility to assgin key when it's already assigned.
HAMA Roma, Rapoo 3920P
Windows 10 x64, Intel i5-4670K @ 3.40GHz, 8GB,
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, Intel SSD 179 GB HDD
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