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Activate the specific pane beneath the mouse (in Thunderbird)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:42 pm
by Ampa

Is the following possible in XMBC? And if not, is there any chance the functionality could be added?

Thunderbird is focused, and has the standard layout with mail index above email preview.
I select an email in the top pane, and it is previewed in the lower pane.
I move the pointer over the lower pane and click Button4 which is set to SimulateKeys: {ACTIVATE}{PGDN}

But rather that scrolling the lower pane (with the email preview) the top pane scrolls, selecting a new email, and changing the preview.

What I would like / expect is that the specific pane below the mouse pointer is activated, and scrolls.

I note that the scroll wheel does work this way, scrolling the pane beneath the pointer.

Of course if I click in the lower pane Button4 will scroll down, but then the issue is reversed... moving the pointer over the top pane and clicking Button4 still scrolls the lower pane, even though the scroll wheel will scroll the top one!

The issue is not limited to Thunderbird. Any app with multiple panes (my Steam Library is another one that springs to mind) will only interact with the pane that last received a click, regardless of where the mouse pointer is located.

Hope I have explained clearly, and thanks for the amazing program, as always!

Re: Activate the specific pane beneath the mouse (in Thunderbird)

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:33 pm
by phil
The activate tag activates the "window" as in the application, not a sub panel in that application. Scroll is different as the messages are posted to the sub-window handle.

In this case, cant you just use {LMB}{PGDN} which will click to select/activate then press page down?
If that does not work, then maybe I will need to add a new tag, if it is even possible (it may depend on the individual application which might make it tricky to come up with a global solution).

Re: Activate the specific pane beneath the mouse (in Thunderbird)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:48 am
by Ampa
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, in theory {LMB}{PGDN} does the job, but somehow it doesn't quite feel right!

I guess that I am just used to scroll actions not activating the underlying window (or pane in this case).

However... I quite understand that this is asking additional work of you, and may well involve bespoke solutions for each application.

So, I'll give your suggestion a go for a while and see whether it works for me.
