Window does not activate on mouse hover

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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Window does not activate on mouse hover

Post by AndreasKiller »

XMBC Version: 2.20.5
Installed or Portable version: Installed
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Version: 10.0.19045.3693, station (x64)
Mouse Information (brand/model): Logitech M500S
Relevant Computer Information (CPU, RAM etc):
Did the problem occur after an upgrade of XMBC? (If so, from what version?): No.
Did the problem occur after a Windows update/upgrade? (If so, from what version?): Yes, 10.0.19042.3636
How long have you used XMBC?: Decades.
What language and keyboard layout do you use in Windows?: German

Clear description of the problem - try and include as much information as possible, including what button and mappings you are having problems with (if applicable).:

I'm using Solidworks 2022 SP5.0 and SolidCAM 2020 SP4 for CAD/CAM programming. I have a space mouse from 3d connection too.

If I have a SolidCAM window open I can't use my space mouse to e.g. rotate the part in Solidworks.
Therefore I have 2 rules in XMB to switch from SolidCAM to Solidworks graphics area and back by hovering the mouse over the window, so I can use my space mouse, this worked great for years.

We updated yesterday our Windows and now if I hover the mouse from SolidCAM to SolidWorks works, SolidWorks get the focus and I can rotate my part using the space mouse. But If I hover the mouse back to SolidCAM, the window did not get the focus. What's more, when I then click on SolidCAM, it becomes sluggish and the input/mouse stutters for "a while" (a few seconds).

If I open the XMB settings I can see that my SolidCAM rule becomes red if I hover the mouse over a SolidCAM window, so the window recognition works.

If I deactivate my SolidCAM rule the sluggish and the input/mouse stutters is gone.

Any hint to get this really helpful feature back?

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Re: Window does not activate on mouse hover

Post by phil »

Hi, I wonder if there are any error messages in the log...
If not, can you try turning on debug logging (settings -> updates & logging tab). OK and APPLY that, then try again (reproduce the problem).
Then send me the log file. It will be very verbose, so make a note of the time you do the test, so I can narrow down where I am searching for the hover stuff.

Activating windows is basically trying to against a microsoft rule that prevents windows from "stealing" focus. Windows can be rather nasty and tell xmbc where to go - so it tries various different ways of doing it (logging various things if it fails). It also seems to be quite timing dependant - as in, if it waits a little longer, it may work better - but in 2.20.5 this timing/waiting is not as configurable (you have to edit the XML file) where as in the latest beta, I have added that setting to the advanced settings tab. It might be worth trying 2.21 Beta 2x and playing with the setting: Activate Window On Hover Delay to see if it makes any difference.

I will have to check to see if the recent windows 10 updates have broken it here too (but I don't think so as it is still working for me right now (on Windows 10 19045.3693) and Windows 11.

For what its worth, I have the delay set to 50ms
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
Windows 10 x64, AMD Ryzen 5900x, MSI x570 Tomahawk, 32GB DDR4,
nVidia RTX 2070s, Evo 970 1Tb NVME, 2x2TB WD Black (RAID1)
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Re: Window does not activate on mouse hover

Post by AndreasKiller »

Hi Phil,

Below are 3 parts from the today's log.
I started with my SolidCAM rule deactivated (Part 1).
Then I opened Solidworks / SolidCAM and performed the steps (Part 2)
Then I opened the XMB settings, activated the SolidCAM rule and performed the same steps again (Part 3)

If you need further information give me a sign.

Best regards, Andreas.

Part 1:
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> X-Mouse Button Control v2.20.5 (x64) Startup. Commandline '/notportable /delay'
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> Running in medium integrity mode (0x00002010)
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> Loaded 9 application specific profiles (3 normal and 6 custom window).
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> Running on Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Edition (build 19045), 64-bit, Hook Timeout: 200 ms
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> Warning: Low Level Hook Timeout is low. If you have problems try increasing this value.
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> Startup folder: 'C:\Program Files\Highresolution Enterprises\X-Mouse Button Control\'
23-11-2023 05:50:59.004> Settings (and log) folder: 'C:\Users\Killer\AppData\Roaming\Highresolution Enterprises\XMouseButtonControl\'
23-11-2023 05:50:59.067> HookThreadProc[0x3A58]: Unable to find suitable English keyboard layout...
23-11-2023 05:50:59.067> HookThreadProc: Loading US English.

Part 2:
23-11-2023 06:18:34.071> CThreadLock::LeaveCS: Critical Section for 'ActivateWindowTimerProc' took 3625ms to be released!
23-11-2023 06:18:34.071> CThreadLock::Constructor It took a long time to obtain the lock for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' (3204ms).
23-11-2023 06:18:34.072> CThreadLock::Destructor The lock for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' took 3219ms to release!
23-11-2023 06:18:34.072> ***************************************************************************
23-11-2023 06:18:34.072> WARNING: Mouse hook has taken too long (3219 ms). Hook may be disabled.
23-11-2023 06:18:34.072> MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=-20, Y=199, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=1712671, Info=0x0, Ptr=0x1095C, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:18:34.072> ***************************************************************************

Part 3:
23-11-2023 06:23:10.102> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup - Opening setup dialog.
23-11-2023 06:23:10.189> Loaded 9 application specific profiles (3 normal and 6 custom window).
23-11-2023 06:23:17.634> Applying changes to X-Mouse Button Control settings...
23-11-2023 06:23:17.650> Loaded 9 application specific profiles (3 normal and 6 custom window).
23-11-2023 06:23:29.007> CThreadLock::LeaveCS: Critical Section for 'ActivateWindowTimerProc' took 3562ms to be released!
23-11-2023 06:23:29.007> CThreadLock::Constructor It took a long time to obtain the lock for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' (2516ms).
23-11-2023 06:23:29.008> CThreadLock::Destructor The lock for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' took 2516ms to release!
23-11-2023 06:23:29.008> ***************************************************************************
23-11-2023 06:23:29.008> WARNING: Mouse hook has taken too long (2516 ms). Hook may be disabled.
23-11-2023 06:23:29.008> MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=918, Y=343, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=2008296, Info=0x0, Ptr=0x650AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:23:29.008> ***************************************************************************
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Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:43 am

Re: Window does not activate on mouse hover

Post by AndreasKiller »

Hi Phil,

I've forgotten to activate the debug logging. The log is to long to post all lines in here, I started within XMB settings and activate the logging on monitor 3, then move the mouse to monitor 2 and performed the steps in SolidWorks / SolidCAM.

Best regards, Andreas.

23-11-2023 06:50:30.981> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055F8
23-11-2023 06:50:31.131> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1508,1449)...
23-11-2023 06:50:31.131> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 8572 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:31.131> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 8572, 'explorer.exe' for HWND 0x000101AC using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:31.131> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:31.131> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'explorer.exe' class 'MSTaskListWClass' parent class 'MSTaskSwWClass' parent of parent class 'ReBarWindow32'.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.131> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.138> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055F7
23-11-2023 06:50:31.288> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1469,1434)...
23-11-2023 06:50:31.306> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055F6
23-11-2023 06:50:31.457> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1480,1439)...
23-11-2023 06:50:31.458> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055F4
23-11-2023 06:50:31.612> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1351,1380)...
23-11-2023 06:50:31.612> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 1976 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:31.612> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 1976, 'notepad.exe' for HWND 0x0013441A using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:31.612> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:31.612> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'notepad.exe' class 'msctls_statusbar32' parent class 'Notepad' parent of parent class ''.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.612> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.618> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055F3
23-11-2023 06:50:31.770> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1204,1405)...
23-11-2023 06:50:31.770> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:31.770> ProcessMouseOver(1204,1405): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:31.770> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 000055F2
23-11-2023 06:50:31.770> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(1204,1405) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.878> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1184,1410)...
23-11-2023 06:50:31.879> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 8572 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:31.879> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 8572, 'explorer.exe' for HWND 0x000101AC using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:31.879> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:31.880> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'explorer.exe' class 'MSTaskListWClass' parent class 'MSTaskSwWClass' parent of parent class 'ReBarWindow32'.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.880> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:31.898> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055F1
23-11-2023 06:50:32.049> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1153,1418)...
23-11-2023 06:50:32.561> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=1153, Y=1418, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3634375, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:32.562> Translating Left Button Down Key state 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:32.562> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000201 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:32.658> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=1153, Y=1418, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3634484, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:32.658> Translating Left Button Up Key state 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:32.658> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000202 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:32.658> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 300ms - ID 000055EE
23-11-2023 06:50:32.976> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1153,1418)...
23-11-2023 06:50:36.178> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055E9
23-11-2023 06:50:36.341> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2793,1082)...
23-11-2023 06:50:36.345> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 9824 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:36.345> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 9824, 'prowin32.exe' for HWND 0x00012596 using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:36.346> GetProcessName result 1 time 15ms
23-11-2023 06:50:36.346> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'prowin32.exe' class 'ProButton' parent class 'ProFrame' parent of parent class 'ProFrame'.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.346> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.346> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055E8
23-11-2023 06:50:36.512> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3247,719)...
23-11-2023 06:50:36.512> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 10392 returned 0x00002010
23-11-2023 06:50:36.512> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 10392, 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' for HWND 0x00045118 using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:36.512> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:36.512> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Static' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.512> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.514> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055E6
23-11-2023 06:50:36.668> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3146,638)...
23-11-2023 06:50:36.669> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.669> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.673> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055E5
23-11-2023 06:50:36.835> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3084,647)...
23-11-2023 06:50:36.835> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.835> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:36.842> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055E4
23-11-2023 06:50:36.995> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3070,651)...
23-11-2023 06:50:37.010> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055E3
23-11-2023 06:50:37.165> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3071,649)...
23-11-2023 06:50:39.578> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055DD
23-11-2023 06:50:39.724> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3028,646)...
23-11-2023 06:50:39.725> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:39.725> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:39.730> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055DC
23-11-2023 06:50:39.877> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3032,648)...
23-11-2023 06:50:39.882> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055DB
23-11-2023 06:50:40.047> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3054,683)...
23-11-2023 06:50:40.047> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Static' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:40.048> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:40.050> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055DA
23-11-2023 06:50:40.205> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3056,692)...
23-11-2023 06:50:40.274> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055D8
23-11-2023 06:50:40.435> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3055,669)...
23-11-2023 06:50:40.435> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:40.435> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:42.387> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055D4
23-11-2023 06:50:42.542> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3130,311)...
23-11-2023 06:50:42.543> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 9824 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:42.543> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 9824, 'prowin32.exe' for HWND 0x0001209C using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:42.543> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:42.543> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'prowin32.exe' class 'ProFrame' parent class 'ProFrame' parent of parent class 'ProClientWin'.
23-11-2023 06:50:42.543> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:42.545> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055D2
23-11-2023 06:50:42.690> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3130,306)...
23-11-2023 06:50:42.691> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055D0
23-11-2023 06:50:42.853> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3137,363)...
23-11-2023 06:50:42.854> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 10392 returned 0x00002010
23-11-2023 06:50:42.854> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 10392, 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' for HWND 0x0007510E using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:42.854> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:42.854> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class '#32770' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:42.854> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:42.857> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055CF
23-11-2023 06:50:43.010> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3132,386)...
23-11-2023 06:50:43.011> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:43.011> ProcessMouseOver(3132,386): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:43.011> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 000055CE
23-11-2023 06:50:43.011> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(3132,386) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:43.120> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3150,378)...
23-11-2023 06:50:43.122> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055CD
23-11-2023 06:50:43.276> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3152,377)...
23-11-2023 06:50:44.674> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055C8
23-11-2023 06:50:44.837> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3077,602)...
23-11-2023 06:50:44.837> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:44.837> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:44.841> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055C7
23-11-2023 06:50:44.986> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3068,622)...
23-11-2023 06:50:44.986> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Static' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:44.986> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:45.050> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055C6
23-11-2023 06:50:45.207> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3061,654)...
23-11-2023 06:50:45.207> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:45.207> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:45.289> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055C5
23-11-2023 06:50:45.443> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3061,652)...
23-11-2023 06:50:45.842> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=3061, Y=652, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3647656, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:45.842> Translating Left Button Down Key state 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:45.842> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000201 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:45.946> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=3061, Y=652, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3647765, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:45.946> Translating Left Button Up Key state 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:45.947> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000202 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:45.947> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 300ms - ID 000055C0
23-11-2023 06:50:46.261> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3061,652)...
23-11-2023 06:50:46.578> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055BE
23-11-2023 06:50:46.727> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3303,899)...
23-11-2023 06:50:46.728> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Static' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:46.728> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:46.729> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055BC
23-11-2023 06:50:46.882> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3355,929)...
23-11-2023 06:50:46.882> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:46.882> ProcessMouseOver(3355,929): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:46.883> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 000055BB
23-11-2023 06:50:46.883> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(3355,929) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:46.990> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3368,977)...
23-11-2023 06:50:46.990> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'SysTabControl32' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:46.990> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:46.994> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055B9
23-11-2023 06:50:47.147> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3374,998)...
23-11-2023 06:50:47.148> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:47.148> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:47.161> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055B8
23-11-2023 06:50:47.316> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3375,997)...
23-11-2023 06:50:47.434> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=3375, Y=997, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3649250, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:47.434> Translating Left Button Down Key state 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:47.434> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000201 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:47.514> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=3376, Y=997, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3649328, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:47.514> Translating Left Button Up Key state 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:47.514> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000202 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:47.514> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 300ms - ID 000055B6
23-11-2023 06:50:47.817> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3531,1019)...
23-11-2023 06:50:47.818> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:47.818> ProcessMouseOver(3531,1019): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:47.819> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 000055B3
23-11-2023 06:50:47.819> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(3531,1019) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:47.926> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3559,1026)...
23-11-2023 06:50:47.927> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:47.927> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:47.930> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055B1
23-11-2023 06:50:48.080> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3578,1024)...
23-11-2023 06:50:48.106> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055B0
23-11-2023 06:50:48.254> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3579,1023)...
23-11-2023 06:50:48.258> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055AF
23-11-2023 06:50:48.423> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3611,1017)...
23-11-2023 06:50:48.842> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055AC
23-11-2023 06:50:49.002> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3366,936)...
23-11-2023 06:50:49.003> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:49.003> ProcessMouseOver(3366,936): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:49.003> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 000055AB
23-11-2023 06:50:49.003> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(3366,936) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.125> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3284,892)...
23-11-2023 06:50:49.126> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Static' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.126> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.130> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055AA
23-11-2023 06:50:49.296> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3080,833)...
23-11-2023 06:50:49.296> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class '#32770' parent class 'XMouseButtonControl' parent of parent class ''.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.296> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.538> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055A8
23-11-2023 06:50:49.689> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3086,856)...
23-11-2023 06:50:49.690> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.690> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.690> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055A6
23-11-2023 06:50:49.857> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2851,976)...
23-11-2023 06:50:49.857> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.857> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:49.858> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055A5
23-11-2023 06:50:50.015> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2755,1017)...
23-11-2023 06:50:50.016> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.016> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.018> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055A4
23-11-2023 06:50:50.186> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2712,1043)...
23-11-2023 06:50:50.186> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ProcessMouseOverTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:50.187> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class '#32770' parent class 'XMouseButtonControl' parent of parent class ''.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.187> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.194> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055A3
23-11-2023 06:50:50.345> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2738,1032)...
23-11-2023 06:50:50.346> CThreadLock::Constructor Waiting to enter critical section for 'GetProcessName' (TID: 00003A54). It is currently locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'...
23-11-2023 06:50:50.346> CThreadLock::Constructor Obtained lock for 'GetProcessName' after 0ms.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.346> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class 'XMouseButtonControl'.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.346> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.346> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 000055A2
23-11-2023 06:50:50.514> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2774,999)...
23-11-2023 06:50:50.514> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:50.514> ProcessMouseOver(2774,999): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:50.514> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 000055A0
23-11-2023 06:50:50.514> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(2774,999) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.623> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2777,994)...
23-11-2023 06:50:50.623> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' class '#32770' parent class 'XMouseButtonControl' parent of parent class ''.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.623> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:50:50.842> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 0000559E
23-11-2023 06:50:50.999> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2087,549)...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 17356 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 17356, 'sldworks.exe' for HWND 0x00044CAE using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'sldworks.exe' class 'Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000' parent class 'AfxMDIFrame140u' parent of parent class 'AfxMDIFrame140u'.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Found window profile 'Solidworks Grafikbereich' for 'sldworks.exe', '', 'Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000', 'AfxMDIFrame140u'.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [2087,549]) from 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' (0x000E5016) to 'sldworks.exe' (0x00044CAE).
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Enabling 'Solidworks Grafikbereich' window specific button settings for process 'sldworks.exe', class 'Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000', parent 'AfxMDIFrame140u'...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Layer 0: Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Right = ** Same As Default Profile **, Middle = Simulated Keys, 4th = Simulated Keys, 5th = Simulated Keys, Scroll Up = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Down = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Left = Double Click, Tilt Right = Simulated Keys
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> InvertScrolling=off InvertHorizontalScrolling=off ScrollPages=off SwapButtons=0
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Enabling layer 0
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> SPI is already lines: 6, state: 0 - no need for further change
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> CLockAxis::ChangeCursor called. bLockX is 0, bLockY is 0, InternaLock is 0
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Change layer cursor overlay (no app cursor) (layer 1)
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> Set layer overlay cursor (1)
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> CSetupDialog: OnProcessChangeMessage called with HWND 00044CAE, App Profile 'Solidworks Grafikbereich' - 'W2:sldworks.exe \;| Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000 \;| AfxMDIFrame140u'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> CSPIThread[0x00003AB4]::SPIResetCursors Resetting cursors
23-11-2023 06:50:51.001> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ProcessMouseOver'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.003> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1013 for 250ms - ID 0000559D
23-11-2023 06:50:51.010> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 0000559C
23-11-2023 06:50:51.158> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1342,286)...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.162> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 0000559B
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> ActivateWindowTimerProc: Killed timer 0000559D
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Activating foreground window: 0x00044CAE
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> ActivateWindow: Activating window: 0x00044CAE (class='Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000')
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Target window 0x00044CAE appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Target window 0x00044C92 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Target window 0x00101B6E appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Target window 0x00094BF2 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Target window 0x000C1B5C appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Target window 0x000215E2 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.253> Force foreground window from 0x000E5016 to 0x0002166A
23-11-2023 06:50:51.258> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.265> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.273> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.283> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.285> ForceForegroundWindow: SwitchToThisWindow succeeded. Active window is now 0x0002166A (Afx:0000000140000000:8:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:000000000006152D).
23-11-2023 06:50:51.318> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1004,302)...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 16712 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 16712, 'solidcam.exe' for HWND 0x00094F5C using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'solidcam.exe' class 'ComboBox' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> Found ancestor(1) window profile 'SolidCAM' for process: 'solidcam.exe', caption: '', class: 'ComboBox', parent class: '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [1004,302]) from 'sldworks.exe' (0x00044CAE) to 'solidcam.exe' (0x00094F5C).
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> Enabling 'SolidCAM' window specific button settings for process 'solidcam.exe', class '#32770', parent '#32770'...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> Layer 0: Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Right = ** Same As Default Profile **, Middle = ** Same As Default Profile **, 4th = ** Same As Default Profile **, 5th = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Up = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Down = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Right = ** Same As Default Profile **
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> InvertScrolling=off InvertHorizontalScrolling=off ScrollPages=off SwapButtons=0
23-11-2023 06:50:51.319> Enabling layer 0
23-11-2023 06:50:51.320> SPI is already lines: 6, state: 0 - no need for further change
23-11-2023 06:50:51.320> CLockAxis::ChangeCursor called. bLockX is 0, bLockY is 0, InternaLock is 0
23-11-2023 06:50:51.320> Change layer cursor overlay (no app cursor) (layer 1)
23-11-2023 06:50:51.320> Set layer overlay cursor (1)
23-11-2023 06:50:51.320> CSPIThread[0x00003AB4]::SPIResetCursors Resetting cursors
23-11-2023 06:50:51.320> CSetupDialog: OnProcessChangeMessage called with HWND 00094F5C, App Profile 'SolidCAM' - 'W2:solidcam.exe \;| #32770 \;| #32770'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.322> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ProcessMouseOver'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.322> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1013 for 250ms - ID 00005599
23-11-2023 06:50:51.330> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005598
23-11-2023 06:50:51.490> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(838,350)...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.491> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'solidcam.exe' class 'Edit' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.491> Found ancestor(1) window profile 'SolidCAM' for process: 'solidcam.exe', caption: '', class: 'Edit', parent class: '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.491> ProxyKillTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Killing timer 4115 (0x00005599)
23-11-2023 06:50:51.491> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1013 for 250ms - ID 00005594
23-11-2023 06:50:51.491> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005593
23-11-2023 06:50:51.650> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(700,444)...
23-11-2023 06:50:51.651> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'RealWindowFromPoint' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'WM_MOUSEMOVE'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.651> ProcessMouseOver(700,444): No valid window (0x00000000) was detected under current cursor position (will retry).
23-11-2023 06:50:51.651> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1015 for 100ms - ID 00005592
23-11-2023 06:50:51.651> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: ProcessMouseOver(700,444) failed - no window was detected under cursor.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> ActivateWindowTimerProc: Killed timer 00005594
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> GetWindowToActivate: Activating edit window under cursor - window: 0x00094F16 (class='Edit')
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Activating foreground window: 0x00094F16
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> ActivateWindow: Activating window: 0x00094F16 (class='Edit')
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Target window 0x00094F16 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Target window 0x00064F72 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Target window 0x00064F92 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Target window 0x000E4E8A appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Target window 0x00011786 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:50:51.739> Force foreground window from 0x0002166A to 0x0002166A
23-11-2023 06:50:51.746> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.754> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.762> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.770> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.774> ForceForegroundWindow: SwitchToThisWindow failed to switch active window to 0x0002166A. Foreground window is 0x0002166A.
23-11-2023 06:50:51.778> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.785> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:51.873> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.041> Skipped WM_SETTINGCHANGE message for Action 0x00002001
23-11-2023 06:50:52.426> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.434> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.441> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.449> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.458> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.466> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.473> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.481> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.489> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.497> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.505> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.514> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.521> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:50:52.874> CThreadLock::Constructor Waiting to enter critical section for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' (TID: 00003A58). It is currently locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'...
23-11-2023 06:50:53.523> ForceForegroundWindow: Unable to allow unlock set foreground window. Trying SwitchToThisWindow again... (5): Zugriff verweigert
23-11-2023 06:50:54.534> Skipped WM_SETTINGCHANGE message for Action 0x00002001
23-11-2023 06:50:55.997> CThreadLock::LeaveCS: Critical Section for 'ActivateWindowTimerProc' took 4250ms to be released!
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> CThreadLock::Constructor It took a long time to obtain the lock for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' (3125ms).
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=712, Y=531, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3654687, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'ProcessMouseOverTimerProc' (TID: 00003A54) because the thread is locked by 'MouseHookLLProc 1'
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Thread locked - skipping
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> MouseHookLLProc: DPI Issue detected... Hook coordinates (714,531) are different from GetCursorPos() coordinates (712,531)
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> ProcessButton: Detected active HWND changed from 0x00094F16 to 0x00064FA6 (profile window 0x00094F16, ProcID 16712). Getting process name...
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'solidcam.exe' class 'Button' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> Found ancestor(1) window profile 'SolidCAM' for process: 'solidcam.exe', caption: '', class: 'Button', parent class: '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> ProcessButton: Profile has not changed when hWnd changed to 00064FA6.
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> Translating Left Button Down Key state 0x0: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> CThreadLock::Destructor The lock for 'MouseHookLLProc 1' took 3125ms to release!
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> ***************************************************************************
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> WARNING: Mouse hook has taken too long (3125 ms). Hook may be disabled.
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=714, Y=531, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3654687, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xC50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> ***************************************************************************
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000201 through....
23-11-2023 06:50:55.998> HookThread: WP_MOUSEHOOK - Successfully set the mouse hook 0xD50AD
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=1867, Y=436, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3663140, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xD50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> ProcessButton: Detected active HWND changed from 0x00064FA6 to 0x00044CAE (profile window 0x00094F16, ProcID 17356). Getting process name...
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 17356 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> GetProcessName(3 ProcessButton): Got name for PID 17356, 'sldworks.exe' using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'sldworks.exe' class 'Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000' parent class 'AfxMDIFrame140u' parent of parent class 'AfxMDIFrame140u'.
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> Found window profile 'Solidworks Grafikbereich' for 'sldworks.exe', '', 'Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000', 'AfxMDIFrame140u'.
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> ProcessButton: Profile/active app/window change (due to mouse button) from 'solidcam.exe' to 'sldworks.exe'.
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> Enabling 'Solidworks Grafikbereich' window specific button settings for process 'sldworks.exe', class 'Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000', parent 'AfxMDIFrame140u'...
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> Layer 0: Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Right = ** Same As Default Profile **, Middle = Simulated Keys, 4th = Simulated Keys, 5th = Simulated Keys, Scroll Up = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Down = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Left = Double Click, Tilt Right = Simulated Keys
23-11-2023 06:51:01.314> InvertScrolling=off InvertHorizontalScrolling=off ScrollPages=off SwapButtons=0
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> CSetupDialog: OnProcessChangeMessage called with HWND 00044CAE, App Profile 'Solidworks Grafikbereich' - 'W2:sldworks.exe \;| Afx:0000000140000000:2b:0000000000010007:0000000000000000:0000000000000000 \;| AfxMDIFrame140u'
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> SPI is already lines: 6, state: 0 - no need for further change
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> CLockAxis::ChangeCursor called. bLockX is 0, bLockY is 0, InternaLock is 0
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> Change layer cursor overlay (no app cursor) (layer 1)
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> Set layer overlay cursor (1)
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> CSPIThread[0x00003AB4]::SPIResetCursors Resetting cursors
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> Translating Left Button Down Key state 0x0: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:51:01.315> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000201 through....
23-11-2023 06:51:01.418> MouseHookLLProc: MouseHookData: Msg=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=1867, Y=436, Data=0x00000000, Flags=0x00000000, Time=3663234, Info=0x0, Ptr=0xD50AD, Layer=0
23-11-2023 06:51:01.418> Translating Left Button Up Key state 0x1: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
23-11-2023 06:51:01.418> MouseHookLLProc: Passing original mouse message 0x00000202 through....
23-11-2023 06:51:01.418> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 300ms - ID 0000555D
23-11-2023 06:51:01.728> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1867,436)...
23-11-2023 06:51:02.506> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 0000555A
23-11-2023 06:51:02.664> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1556,461)...
23-11-2023 06:51:02.665> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005559
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1292,475)...
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 16712 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 16712, 'solidcam.exe' for HWND 0x00064F9A using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'solidcam.exe' class '#32770' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> Found ancestor(1) window profile 'SolidCAM' for process: 'solidcam.exe', caption: '', class: '#32770', parent class: '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [1292,475]) from 'sldworks.exe' (0x00044CAE) to 'solidcam.exe' (0x00064F9A).
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> Enabling 'SolidCAM' window specific button settings for process 'solidcam.exe', class '#32770', parent '#32770'...
23-11-2023 06:51:02.823> Layer 0: Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Right = ** Same As Default Profile **, Middle = ** Same As Default Profile **, 4th = ** Same As Default Profile **, 5th = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Up = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Down = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Right = ** Same As Default Profile **
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> InvertScrolling=off InvertHorizontalScrolling=off ScrollPages=off SwapButtons=0
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> Enabling layer 0
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> SPI is already lines: 6, state: 0 - no need for further change
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> CLockAxis::ChangeCursor called. bLockX is 0, bLockY is 0, InternaLock is 0
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> Change layer cursor overlay (no app cursor) (layer 1)
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> Set layer overlay cursor (1)
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> CSPIThread[0x00003AB4]::SPIResetCursors Resetting cursors
23-11-2023 06:51:02.824> CSetupDialog: OnProcessChangeMessage called with HWND 00064F9A, App Profile 'SolidCAM' - 'W2:solidcam.exe \;| #32770 \;| #32770'
23-11-2023 06:51:02.825> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1013 for 250ms - ID 00005558
23-11-2023 06:51:02.827> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005557
23-11-2023 06:51:02.973> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1097,482)...
23-11-2023 06:51:02.974> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'solidcam.exe' class 'Static' parent class '#32770' parent of parent class '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:51:02.974> Found ancestor(1) window profile 'SolidCAM' for process: 'solidcam.exe', caption: '', class: 'Static', parent class: '#32770'.
23-11-2023 06:51:02.974> ProxyKillTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Killing timer 4115 (0x00005558)
23-11-2023 06:51:02.974> ProxySetTimer [TID: 0x00003A54]: Started timer 1013 for 250ms - ID 00005556
23-11-2023 06:51:02.977> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005555
23-11-2023 06:51:03.136> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(1065,485)...
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> ActivateWindowTimerProc: Killed timer 00005556
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Activating foreground window: 0x00084C34
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> ActivateWindow: Activating window: 0x00084C34 (class='Static')
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Target window 0x00084C34 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Target window 0x00064FAC appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Target window 0x00064F9A appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Target window 0x00064F92 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Target window 0x000E4E8A appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Target window 0x00011786 appears to be the desktop - dont try and get parent!
23-11-2023 06:51:03.232> Force foreground window from 0x0002166A to 0x0002166A
23-11-2023 06:51:03.262> ForceForegroundWindow: SwitchToThisWindow failed to switch active window to 0x0002166A. Foreground window is 0x0002166A.
23-11-2023 06:51:03.554> Skipped WM_SETTINGCHANGE message for Action 0x00002001
23-11-2023 06:51:04.114> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.122> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.130> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.138> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.146> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.154> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.162> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.170> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.180> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.186> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.194> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.201> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.209> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.217> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.226> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.233> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.241> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.250> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.257> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.265> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.274> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.289> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.291> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.300> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.306> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.314> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.322> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.330> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.338> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.346> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.354> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.361> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.370> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.377> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.385> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.394> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.401> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.409> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.417> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.425> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.433> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.441> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.449> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.457> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.465> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.473> CThreadLock::TryEnterCS Skipping 'WM_MOUSEMOVE' (TID: 00003A58) because the thread is locked by 'ActivateWindowTimerProc'
23-11-2023 06:51:04.895> ForceForegroundWindow: Unable to allow unlock set foreground window. Trying SwitchToThisWindow again... (5): Zugriff verweigert
23-11-2023 06:51:05.230> Skipped WM_SETTINGCHANGE message for Action 0x00002001
23-11-2023 06:51:06.516> CThreadLock::LeaveCS: Critical Section for 'ActivateWindowTimerProc' took 3282ms to be released!
23-11-2023 06:51:08.034> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005536
23-11-2023 06:51:08.201> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2610,899)...
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> GetProcessIntegrityLevel for PID 9824 returned 0x00002000
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> GetProcessName(7 WindowFromHWND): Got name for PID 9824, 'prowin32.exe' for HWND 0x000123D2 using GetProcessImageFileName
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> GetProcessName result 1 time 0ms
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'prowin32.exe' class 'ProBrowser' parent class 'ProFrame' parent of parent class 'ProFrame'.
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [2610,899]) from 'solidcam.exe' (0x00084C34) to 'prowin32.exe' (0x000123D2).
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> Enabling default button settings...
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> Layer 0: Left = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Right = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Middle = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, 4th = Double Click, 5th = Middle Click, Scroll Up = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Scroll Down = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Tilt Left = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Tilt Right = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> InvertScrolling=off InvertHorizontalScrolling=off ScrollPages=off SwapButtons=0
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> Enabling layer 0
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> SPI is already lines: 6, state: 0 - no need for further change
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> CLockAxis::ChangeCursor called. bLockX is 0, bLockY is 0, InternaLock is 0
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> Change layer cursor overlay (no app cursor) (layer 1)
23-11-2023 06:51:08.202> Set layer overlay cursor (1)
23-11-2023 06:51:08.203> CSPIThread[0x00003AB4]::SPIResetCursors Resetting cursors
23-11-2023 06:51:08.203> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005534
23-11-2023 06:51:08.346> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(3081,1081)...
23-11-2023 06:51:08.346> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'prowin32.exe' class 'ProFrame' parent class 'ProFrame' parent of parent class 'ProClientWin'.
23-11-2023 06:51:08.346> FindAppSettings: Matching profile not found.
23-11-2023 06:51:08.353> TimerThread[0x3A54]: Started MOUSE OVER timer 1015 for 150ms - ID 00005533
23-11-2023 06:51:08.512> ProcessMouseOverTimerProc: Checking MouseOver(2987,1089)...
23-11-2023 06:51:08.513> FindAppSettings: Looking for matching profile... Process 'prowin32.exe' class 'ProButton' parent class 'ProFrame' parent of parent class 'ProFrame'.
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Re: Window does not activate on mouse hover

Post by phil »

Interesting... Are both windows part of the same process (maybe separate windows in the same process)?
It seems to be going up the window tree, until it gets to the top, but the top appears to already be active, so its trying to activate the already active window.

This may be the problem, if the two windows are part of the same process, where as all my testing has been with physically different processes. Maybe I need some extra code in there to handle multiple windows of the same process. This does not explain why a Windows update changed the behaviour, but it might explain when it changed after an update to XMBC (not sure how long ago you updated to 2.20.5?)

--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: Window does not activate on mouse hover

Post by AndreasKiller »


I can not say when the update to XMB is done, my Admin / our server controls when I get an update.

SolidCAM is loaded as AddOn into Solidworks, that's correct, it does not have a separate main window.
If I use the Process Explorer from Sysinternals I can see that SolidCAM runs in the same process as Solidworks.

Seems I can not attach a picture here... this is the process struture of Solidworks:

- sldProcMon.exe
- swCefSubProc.exe
- swCefSubProc.exe
- Solidcam.exe
- pdfSaver.exe

Just for completeness: SLDWORKS.exe is a subprocess of explorer.exe

I have a long weekend now, I'll be back on Tuesday if you have any further questions resp. I can provide more information.

Best regards, Andreas.
Post Reply