Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

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Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by BugSplatter »


If (in a Firefox-profile) I set 'Left Button' to {WAITMS:500}r & uncheck 'Block original mouse input' it does what I want. (click,wait,r)

But when I use 'Button Held'-->after 250ms-->{WAITMS:500}r-->uncheck 'Block original mouse input' Firefox doesn't get the "click".
(If I test holding the left mouse button for a while and then release the button, without 'Button Held', the click happens)

Is there a way to get it to work like I think it should/could work? (without using {LMB} in the macro)
Or what is the thing I don't understand why it doesn't work?
(or maybe the 'Block original mouse input' should be greyed out if 'Button Held' is used?)
Last edited by BugSplatter on Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by BugSplatter »

hi Phil,

Mayby I overasked, or it was something else, or the question is not about a big issue, or mayby you didn't notice the post... anyhow...
I would appreciate any response...

thank you,
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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by phil »

I didn't see the post - sorry, Ive been away over the last few weekends and must have missed it (strange it didn't show up in notifications when I checked last night - its possible I somehow cleared it from my mobile while out and intoxicated (B) :lol:).

Button held works as such:
When the button is pressed, it executes the keys DOWN so if you had ABC when pressing the button it would press and hold down A,B,C (without releasing). They will continue to be held until you release the button, when it will then release C,B,A (i.e. in reverse order).
I can't remember if it honors the waits in reverse order but I don't think so (doesn't really make sense to do so)

That is what button held does, and I cant really see how/why it would be different. Its intended to hold the keys while the button is held down. XMBC simkeys are quite simplistic and were never intended to be used for really complex macros (although over the years, more support (additional tags) has been added, the basic principles of the different methods remain the same).

Having a wait at the end is going to apply as soon as you press the button, not when you release it.
But I'm not sure why the released click (button up) is not passed through - that could be a bug (but in any case, it could happen after the {wait}r if you hold the button for more than 500ms.

I think what might be more useful, is if you can explain what you are trying to achieve and why. Then I may be able to more definitely see what can be done as it stands or with software changes (within reason lol).
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by BugSplatter »

...while out and intoxicated (B)..........................:lol:

Thank you for your anwer...

In Firefox, on a website with a videoplayer, I was trying to (after holding leftmousebutton for 250ms) make XMBC leftclick (cursor over the "square" in the corner of the videoplayer) to make it fullscreen, wait 500ms to make sure it has enough time to go fullscreen, and then press 'r' (a firefox-extension 'Video Speed Controller' will make the video play faster if I press 'r')

I tried (for 'Left Button'):
'Button Held'-->'Held for': 250ms-->'Simulated Keys'-->uncheck 'Block original mouse input'-->{WAITMS:500}r

* 'Block original mouse input' checked or unchecked makes no difference. The leftclick doesn't happen.
(not not passed through after detecting 'Held for': 250ms? (however, it doesn't seem to affect 'As mouse button is .........' in the simkeys-dialog)
for (probably unnecessary) clarification:
- expected behavior: leftclick-->wait-->r (videoplayer goes fullscreen-->wait-->video plays faster)
- actual behavior: wait-->r (wait-->video plays faster)
Normally, holding down leftmousebutton for a while(+not moving the cursor) & then releasing it, obviously does the same thing as normal clicking.
By holding down leftmousebutton(for 250ms) I want to trigger simkeys... but want the "leftclick" as well(by unchecking 'Block original mouse input').

I did a 'pretty useless' test :haha: (slow or fast...it's a click, but I had to be sure) (for 'Left Button'):
Simulated Keys'-->uncheck 'Block original mouse input'-->{WAITMS:2500}{SPACE}

* Without using 'Button Held': leftclick-->wait-->space is what happens. (videoplayer goes fullscreen-->wait-->play/pause)
For testing, I used a YouTube-video. Also, just for this test, I didn't just click, but I purposely held down leftmousebutton (for less than 2000ms to be in time to see the videoplayer go fullscreen & the video play/pause).
I tried to achieve something similar (leftclick-->wait-->r) when I do use 'Button Held'.

It's not a very big problem, so hopefully it isn't too much hassle to come up with a solution. Or maybe (bc of how things work under the hood) it's not possible? I don't know, but if that's the case & it's not a bug, then maybe it could be an idea to grey-out/hide the 'Block original mouse input'-checkbox when using simkeys in combination with 'Button Held'.

Otherwise, if too much work or anything, any answer is also fine...

Last edited by BugSplatter on Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:50 am, edited 55 times in total.
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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by BugSplatter »

I would like to ask, just to be sure, whether you have read my answer in the previous post?

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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by phil »

Yes, but I have been too busy to do much about it in the short term, I might get a chance to look at XMBC between XMAS and NY when I have some much needed time off work - but I will also be away from home for a lot of that so I cant promise anything.

I need to find time to sit down and try and reproduce what you are doing to see if there is anything XMBC can do differently (particularly with block original mouse button with button held - it does not make much sense but I need to get my head around it at some point!)
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by BugSplatter »

that's ok...thanks
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Re: Button Held + (don't) block original mouse input

Post by BugSplatter »

do you maybe have an update?

I've edited my post(Nov 28, 2023 2:36 pm) and tried to make things as clear as possible.
If it's still not clear or if you think it's not worth the time or not needed to make a software change, then it's ok.
At first I thought it was just a simple question or that maybe I was doing something wrong.
There might be a little bug or maybe what I want is just not possibe.
But it's all about just a click and a checkbox... no big deal.

Thanks for your time (and for XMBC, it's a great piece of software)
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