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XMBC any mouse click disabled until CTRL ALT Delete. Help.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:57 pm
by Naxy
Please fill in this template when posting!
XMBC Version: 2.20.5
Installed or Portable version: Install
Windows Version: 11 pro
Mouse Information (brand/model): Logitech Hero G502
Relevant Computer Information (CPU, RAM etc): Processor :AMD Ryzen 9 5900X , 32 GB Ram , BaseBoard Product : MAG X570 TOMAHAWK WIFI (MS-7C84). GPU : 2080 TI
Did the problem occur after an upgrade of XMBC? (If so, from what version?): Not Sure, but its got worse with point releases.
Did the problem occur after a Windows update/upgrade? (If so, from what version?): No
How long have you used XMBC?: about 6 months to a year. Seemed to always be an issue but has got worse recently.
What language and keyboard layout do you use in Windows?: UK
Clear description of the problem - try and include as much information as possible, including what button and mappings you are having problems with (if applicable).: Im trying to Disable my Mouse buttons 4 & 5 as I do not want to go back and forth in a Browser or Discord etc. That Does work but after a few minutes of being inactive on my Desktop my mouse does not let me click anything with my mouse until I CTRL + ALT + DELETE and Cancel, and then I can click with my mouse again.
Rather frustrating.

Re: XMBC any mouse click disabled until CTRL ALT Delete. Help.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 8:35 pm
by phil
Hi, can you turn on debug logging (Settings -> Logging & Updates tab) OK and APPLY that, then when it "locks up" and you need to CTRL+ALT+DEL, send me a copy of the debug log file? Either post it here or PM or email it to me.
Also try and make a note of the time it locks up, so I can more easily narrow down to the correct part of the log file.
It might help figure out why its getting stuck like that - as I'm not seeing the same thing here.

Re: XMBC any mouse click disabled until CTRL ALT Delete. Help.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:10 pm
by yskvlg
This is something common I believe. Happened with 11 and so is with 10 currently. I've realized it happens when I use my chords a bit faster than usual or sloppy. I simply assigned button 5 + Mid to run the task manager. Can't run ctrl-alt-del BUT ctrl-shift-esc works. I'm sure someone brought this before but wonder why it happens. Also why can't run regular ctrl-alt-del is another mystery to me.