When held functionality and finishing a script cycle

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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When held functionality and finishing a script cycle

Post by omaout »

First and foremost, thanks for the software. Saved me untold personal and family troubleshooting headaches.

That you sometimes offer support too is kinda mind blowing.

So thank you.
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XMBC Version:v2.20.5

Installed or Portable version: Installed

Windows Version: Win 10 Pro

Mouse Information (brand/model): Kensington Orbit

Relevant Computer Information (CPU, RAM etc): Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3258 @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz 8Gbs RAM

Did the problem occur after an upgrade of XMBC? (If so, from what version?): No problem. More a functionality question.

Did the problem occur after a Windows update/upgrade? (If so, from what version?): No problem. More a functionality question.

How long have you used XMBC?: Forever? Feels like. Over so many PCs (mine and families)

What language and keyboard layout do you use in Windows?: US Eng
Clear description of the problem - try and include as much information as possible, including what button and mappings you are having problems with (if applicable).:

Feels similar to this thread: viewtopic.php?t=4006

In FTL game [SPACE] is the pause button.

Built a simulated keystroke series to allow quick pause/unpause cycle limiting player movement to a couple of frames on screen where I can reassess.
Left button sim keystroke:
6: As button is held down
Works perfectly but only (roughly) 50% of the time.

Framing it as EVEN/ODD = On/off = green light/red light cycle, *if* the moment of release happens to be on an ODD number of pauses XBMC invoked, I'm in serious trouble or dead. EVEN number of invocations, I'm safely back into pause "safety" again.

I feel like what is happening is random probability has my key release ending on an ODD number of pauses pressed about 50% of the time which puts me in harms way.

A compromise that may work is forcing another cycle but, as I don't see how XBMC can know where I came off the button as an odd number of presses or even, I don't see an obvious solution which is why I'm brainstorming for help.

I DO need the functionality of the held down state to save me repetitive stress harm (it works perfectly when I am willing to tap the mouse button using the 1: when pressed option but if the avatar movement cycle needs to run 7+ seconds, the volume of presses is taxing on the fingers/tendons/etc.) Retaining hold functionality necessity is where I'm lost in the jungle.

Feels like I'm so close or not seeing the problem from the right angle to zero in on the solution.
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Re: When held functionality and finishing a script cycle

Post by omaout »

Using this post as a seperate problem solving scratch space to not clutter up the OP further.

Trying to force "chunking" in that [SPACE] can only be ended on a full run i.e. min 2 (or even # of presses) cycle no matter where in the cycle my key release happens to detach.

Can tighten up timings to account for one excess cycle on the back end causing minimal issue but hold functionality seems paramount.
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Re: When held functionality and finishing a script cycle

Post by phil »

So I guess the actual "problem" here, is that XMBC has no way of tracking how many times space has been hit, so when you release the button, if it has been hit an repeated an odd number of times it really needs to send an additional space, but if it repeated an even number of times, it needs to do nothing more?

Does that make sense?

I don't really know how this can be worked around - certainly not without making any changes to XMBC. I suppose internally it could retain a repeat count, and thus do something on release if odd... Maybe some new tags that can perform on button release IF and ONLY IF the macro was repeated an odd number of times (and maybe an alternate if it was repeated an even number of times).

That sounds do-able but not an inconsiderate amount of work (and Im really busy at the moment, so it wont be a quick fix/change). Does it sound like it might help though?
--[ Phil ]--
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Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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