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"Change movement to scroll" doesn't work after locking Windows session and login back

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:01 pm
by Killy
XMBC Version: 2.20.5 (and few minor versions prior to that)
Installed or Portable version: installed
Windows Version: Windows 10 Pro 21H2 19044.3086
Mouse Information (brand/model): Logitech Trackman Marble T-BC21
Relevant Computer Information (CPU, RAM etc): CPU Intel Core i5-10500T; RAM 32,0 GB
Did the problem occur after an upgrade of XMBC? (If so, from what version?): can't remember where exactly it started, it is kind of intermittent, more consistent lately.
Did the problem occur after a Windows update/upgrade? (If so, from what version?): don't think so
How long have you used XMBC?: on this PC - since I've got it close to 2 years ago
What language and keyboard layout do you use in Windows?: System UI - English, layouts - US English QWERTY and Russian (strange, forum didn't accept Unicode here, replaced with question marks)

Clear description of the problem - try and include as much information as possible, including what button and mappings you are having problems with (if applicable).:

When I lock Windows session with Win+L and later log in back, "Change movement to scroll" feature stops working.
When toggled, it blocks regular mouse movement, but it doesn't perform the scroll it should do normally.
I have to either restart X-Mouse entirely or Disable/Enable it from tray menu to restore its function.

Occasionally, instead of completely non-functioning scroll, it does something weirder, like it scrolls intermittently, following some unknown logic. Probably derailed to some different broken state. After that it may also stop doing any scroll completely (broken state converges).
This may happen on different occasions, not only on session lock. But session lock is the most reproducible one.

Settings I use: