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XMBC resets pointer speed to 1 in Windows 11

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:50 am
by tmgross
XMBC Version: 2.19.2
Installed or Portable version: Installed
Windows Version: Windows 11
Mouse Information (brand/model): Anker verticle wired mouse
Relevant Computer Information (CPU, RAM etc): Ryzen 5, 32GB
Did the problem occur after an upgrade of XMBC? (If so, from what version?): I don't think so
Did the problem occur after a Windows update/upgrade? (If so, from what version?): Yes, from 10 to 11
How long have you used XMBC?: 2-3 years
What language and keyboard layout do you use in Windows?: English

Clear description of the problem - try and include as much information as possible, including what button and mappings you are having problems with (if applicable).:

For me, XMBC resets the Windows pointer speed to 1. This happens when starting up, or when resuming from hibernate (possibly also sleep).

This started since the upgrade to Windows 11. My profile is minimal, I only remap two mouse buttons to CTRL/DEL. The "Override Mouse Speed" and "Enhance pointer precision" checkboxes are disabled.

It seems like this issue has happened before, I found a forum post from 2017, but it seems like maybe the issue still happens in some cases.

Thank you for the awesome software!

Re: XMBC resets pointer speed to 1 in Windows 11

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:43 am
by phil
You might want to try the latest beta [here] where this should be fixed (and if not I need to have another look!)

Re: XMBC resets pointer speed to 1 in Windows 11

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:44 am
by tmgross
Totally forgot to follow up, but yes this was fixed! Thank you for the super quick response :)