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More Mouse Buttons?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:07 am
by 1n3yh0pcc
Hey there,

I have a mouse which has also Mouse Button 6 and 7... is there a plan to implement remapping those as well or have I overlooked the feature?

Thank you very much!

Re: More Mouse Buttons?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:11 am
by phil
If you read the forum rules, and maybe checked the FAQ you wouldn't need to post this question!

My mouse has more than 5 buttons. How can I configure these buttons?
Can you add support for more buttons?

XMBC is currently only able to support 5 buttons primarily because the Windows mouse hooks (that XMBC makes use of to intercept the mouse button messages) only support up to 5 buttons.

XMBC is not a mouse driver, it uses windows mouse hooks to capture buttons and therefore it is only capable of responding to the messages sent (by the mouse driver) through the Windows mouse hook. The Windows Mouse hooks only support messages for the first 5 buttons. So until Windows mouse hooks recognize more buttons natively, XMBC will only ever support 5 buttons.