Mouse issue on XMBC : Scroll jumping

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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Re: Mouse issue on XMBC : Scroll jumping

Post by phil »

You mean when the mouse is moving AND
What is the middle button set to?
By default the middle button (scroll wheel) when clicked should invoke the Windows built in drag to scroll. But that should put up the windows build in cursor that indicates this mode.

XMBC would only change movement to scroll if you have that set in the dropdown. And it should also change the cursor to indicate that is the case.

More to the point, both the build in windows scrolling (on middle button) and XMBC's movement to scroll do NOT send scroll wheel messages, so the scroll wheel up/down would not highlight in the XMBC dialog. And if it (still) is doing that, then something must be sending/injecting a scroll wheel message - either the mouse itself or some software using SendInput. Unfortunately its rather difficult/impossible to tell the source of the messages. XMBC should tell you (in the debug log) if the message was injected (i.e. from sendinput) or not, and it may be able to tell if it was injected by XMBC itself, but it cant tell if it came from another application (only that it is or is not from XMBC).

Finding that in the debug logs is not going to be easy though - you would need to get as close to the second timing as possible when the random scroll appears, with debug logging enabled, then examine all the scroll messages in the log around that time!
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
Windows 10 x64, AMD Ryzen 5900x, MSI x570 Tomahawk, 32GB DDR4,
nVidia RTX 2070s, Evo 970 1Tb NVME, 2x2TB WD Black (RAID1)
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