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Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:44 pm
by miQlo
XMBC Version: 2.19.2
Windows Version: Win 10 Pro 2004 19041.450
Mouse Information (brand/model): Logitech M510
What language and keyboard layout do you use in Windows?: SWE/ENG

Description of the problem:
Scrolling in some UWP apps stops working when the XMBC Global Setting "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor" is turned on. It doesn't matter if the Windows setting "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" is enabled or disabled. Scrolling stops working even when the app is focused.
I've tested this in: Adobe XD (affected), PowerToys (affected), Windows Settings (unaffected), Windows Store (unaffected).

Temporary solution:
I've been having issues with this for a long time on multiple systems but I didn't figure it out until now. The solution for now is to disable the setting in XMBC and control it via Windows built in Mouse Settings.

Change request:
It would probably be good if this setting could be synced with the Windows setting if that's possible? Or maybe add a note to manage this setting in Windows instead if the system os is Windows 10.

Re: Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:12 pm
by phil
Hi. first off, I would like to fix the problem itself before changing anything else - I'll have a play around here and see if I can reproduce it.
Windows 10 added this ability natively, before 10, I don't think it was an option - and as XMBC <still> supports XP through 10 (although I realistically, 7 through 10), it makes things a bit more tricky.

The solution may be, on Windows 10, to ignore the XBMC code and to use the Windows setting (assuming the Windows setting works everywhere). I'll have to have a think/play around with that idea. I'll add it to the list of things to look at :).

Re: Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:28 am
by miQlo
Yes fixing the problem is ofcourse the prefered way.

I thought of your suggested solution at first but it raised some concerns that you might want to keep in mind:
  1. It might introduce some confusion for users if the option is gone.
    Maybe replace the option in Win 10 with something like "Scroll window under cursor is managed in Windows 10 Settings>Mouse".
  2. What if the settings file is shared between different OS. A Win 7 system might turn that on and then there's no way in the UI to turn it of when the same settings are loaded in Win 10.
    Here you want to ignore the setting as you said.
  3. If you keep the XMBC option available in Win 10, I assume it would only work as expected when the native Windows option is disabled.
    Can XMBC reflect AND change the native option? If so it might be preferable.
That was that, you probably have better solutions for my concerns as I'm not familiar with your code. (Go open source damnit :))

If you need a small app where the issue exist to test this on, PowerToys has been reintroduced as an small UWP app and is available at GitHub. With that you also have access to the source which probably is helpful.

I have a feeling you don't have much to occupy your mind with, glad I could help with that :lol:

BTW, awesome features added in recent updates, I love the "Button Held" option! I'm gonna misuse the hell out of that :)

Re: Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:32 am
by phil
Thanks for your thoughts - much appreciated.
I know about power toys - I was all over them back in the day but for some reason haven't felt the urge yet with the new stuff - I will get around to it one day! Somehow I'm not as up to date with these things as I used to be - I guess that happens to everyone is some way! I used to be upgrading my desktop and playing with new hardware/software all the time, now its much less frequent! Same goes with writing the software - too much life in the way (I guess that's a good thing really - at least for me; maybe not for everyone else :))

Anyway you have given me things to think about - I agree with your 3 options - the best bet on Win10 would be to make the option toggle the native behaviour but leave it so it works on older OS's with shared settings etc. I'm sure that *will* be possible once I get my head in it!

As for OSS.... yeh I know I know... I need to publish my git repo or setup a duplicate/mirror repo on (after removing sensitive stuff like signing certs lol) and figure out the best license to use and all that boring stuff (never mind cleaning up the code - that happens as it happens!). Maybe I should prioritise that and see how it works out (I'm a little curious as to how it will work, having really only used GIT at work in small teams so not really making proper use of it in anger!


Re: Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:44 pm
by miQlo
Just use GitHub and let people do pull requests, you don't have to accept them as you know, and I believe it would save you a lot of time and get many boring tasks done by others. Unfortunately I have no experience with C++ (I believe you're using that for XMBC?), I've worked with front-end web stuff, JS, Java, C#, WPF, .Net yada yada. But there are other ways to contribute, documentation and graphics etc.

But I know, it's a daunting task to get everything setup, especially an old project like XMBC.

Btw, where's your repo now?

Re: Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:09 pm
by phil
Right now my repo is hosted on my server using a Windows/IIS GIT hub repo - bonobo I think its called.
Its not web facing - LAN only!

Yes XMBC is C++ (actually quite a lot of non-OO - more like C !) - its about the only C++ I do these days as mostly Im doing C# development (at work etc).
Its handy to keep the C++ skills up though - and its so much smaller and more compact (compiled EXE wise - shame about the complexity of the code haha)

Re: Bug: Scrolling in UWP stops working with "Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:17 pm
by miQlo
Hehe well the shameful code makes my life easier and probably many others. So I pray it goes open source before you grow tired of it or something else happens :)