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Multi-touch Macbook Pro i7 and Windows 7

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:53 pm
by jgold
I've got a shiny new Macbook Pro i7 and it's the first time I've had any experience with the multi-touch pad. My problem is with the right-click functionality. Since there's only one (very large) button, you have to do something different to get a right click. The Windows drivers that come with Bootcamp offer two options. You can map either the lower right or left corner to the right click or you can map a two finger click as the right click. I've been using it for a week now and I can't train my fingers to do either reliably.

The problem with the lower right or left corner option is that I often accidentally click on that area. There's no indicator that I'm in the right click area so it's really hard to tell unless I look down at my fingers. The two finger click is a problem because I tend to hold my hand with the middle finger out and it sometimes barely touches the pad. When that happens, I get the right context menu instead of the regular click.

I'm ready to give up on both of those options. They just don't work for me. What I'd like is for the right click to execute if I'm holding down the fn key. Can the XMouse button control do that? If so, it might be very popular with the Mac notebook crowd - unless I'm the only one in the entire world who has the problem.