XMBC 2.17 Beta

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

Thank you for fast replay. Maybe it's good idea to make another section for people like me :P That certeinly shouldn't go to almost finished BETA topic ;) all things are new and not related to its content.
I just went where I were mostly active 9 months ago, it's why there. I hope one new idea per one therad can be that we need, but there should be separate section on the forums where all related topic would be created. If after discussion you accepted some idea you could personally anounce it in Beta topic, where people could talk about new thing added to XMBC for tests.

Item 5 (changing layers):

yes it already waits years to be placed between other simulated strokes insructions :D

Item 6 (code examples):

you are right. I go read more from topics on this forum and microsoft documentaion. I was just more interested not how to use it, but adventages it gives, I mean how it can be used by other peoples, what they do with this stuff, because I have no ideas what I could do with it now.

Item 4, 9 ({CRT} for creating folders and text files & {CB} for clipboard):

the easiest to implement, and personaly if I had that clipboard command I could forget all other items I came with :D at least for some time ha ha However now I have even more advanced option for some non existing future :P That would work with "conditional". So if there were "variables" section we could put somethig like this in simulated keystrokes blank:

{cp == 'someText' ? 'someVar1' : 'someVar2'}

where 'someText' would be content of clipboard put by user, or rather a program / script he wrote / used, before clicking some XMBC coded button. While someVar1 and someVar1 were stored in VARIABLES section of XMBC (the way I described it in previous post).

Of course it's more my fantasy and the only thing I do need for now is simple {cp:'someText'} and cp:''}

Item 6 (mouse speed):

it could be done together with "Change movement to scroll" proposed by Killy in this topic viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2743&p=14535#p14535 So we already had 'Mouse speed', 'Delay between simulated keystrokes' and 'Change movement to scroll' (whatever it is) in general settings as well as for certain app.

Item 2 and 3 (paths and variables):

Well, if there won't be nothing interesting to do at the moment maybe one day it can be implemented :) In the worst case you can add it as another bookmarks (separate for variables and paths) after Layers, Scrolling, Options, or to General Settings a way it's now done for Hotkeys and Modifier Keys.

Item 1 and 8 ('Button Held Time Dependent Action' as part of default (no chord) 'Button Chording' and {stp} command)

I think the first item would be some bigger work surely to do it, but nothing impossible and making conflict (when I try to imagine it). BHTDA is quite new, but I feel like there is a lack of it combained with BC as it seems to me be very intuitive that default button should be extended of it.
{stp} is hard probably to do too, maybe harder than I think or undoable the way I described, however I tried everything from XMBC to let live 'method 8' in my work. Unfortunately when my work is dynamic I can't use it without thinking all the time can I already move my hand that it doesn't spoil planned action.

Thx for reading again, and good lack with releasing new version of XMBC extended of current BETA!
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

Killy, thx for link to that new for me application! Probably I can do with it more things than I can imagine. When I'm stuck in my programming I browse all sources to find solution. But honestly I like minimalize range of apps I use to as few as possible. So if there can be clipboard in XMBC I'd like much more to focus on using XMBC only, than combining it with other program, only for that one option.

I need small clipboard command, so just one of hundrets(?) functions CopyQ probably gives. I woulnd't be happy using it only for it, however I know I am not aware how much CopyQ can give me :)

For now I did workaround using autohotkey. I have no choise. What I can't do with sole XMBC I try with AH.
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

By the way, thank you for:

#502 - Prevent the installer from launching the browser as an elevated user post install/update - this should also fix the issues where it uses IE instead of your default browser in some cases.

I noticed it in July with that Beta update, but waited it will be fixed nearly one year from time I raported it, and even over one and a half I noticed it :) I really didn't like Internet Explorer opens when my default Browser was set to Chrome. Now the problem is gone :)
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by phil »

OK here is 2.17 Beta 15.

If you have check for beta versions enabled, you should get notified of a new version and prompted to update in the next day or so. This is the most efficient method (bandwidth wise) as the updates are only a fraction of the size of the full install. Otherwise, you can get the full installation beta HERE. Note that this link will always get you the latest beta version!

Changes since v2.17 Beta 14:
  • #538 - Modify Change Movement to Scroll to use direction vector when axis are locked.
  • #539 - Add simkey tag {CB:<text>} to copy specified <text> to the clipboard (undocumented for now).
There are no changes to the translation template for 2.17 beta 15.

Any problems, PM me a copy of the log file (or post a snippet in a code block here).

--[ Phil ]--
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

YUPI it works! I'm in my job now so I test it fully when I'm home. Thank you!
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by maxoku »

Phil. Does that option in Change Movement to Scroll works that way if I started to scroll e.g. down and I move left or right I still scroll down?
One thing is bugging me. Scrolling with mouse scroll in this mode is completely blocked. Maybe scrolling should be allowed in that mode or/and should cancel the mode like other keys. What do you think?
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by phil »

It should only apply once the axis is locked, and if you move the mouse left or right (when scrolling vertically) the horizontal will be added to the vertical movement - which means if you move only horizontally, its not going to have much impact but diagonally should improve scrolling and will add to the vertical direction you are moving....

What do you mean "Scrolling with mouse scroll in this mode is completely blocked" Is this a change (have I broken something)?
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

For all those who'd like to use new command: {cb:<text>} I'm describing how it can be used:

You only need to download autohotkey.com

Personally I would recommend Windows 'command line' but unfortunately you can't do with it one of the simplest thing that should be standard component of cmd after so many years of Microsoft existment.
To be honest you can do it with PowerShell Get-Clipboard, but still that should be only alternative for getting content of clipboard in cmd.

You only can put something to clipboard: echo someText | CLIP

or take to clipboard from saved file: clip < %HOMEPATH%/desktop/someText.txt

But you can't do something what should be between these two operations, so you can't take text from (content of) clipboard, or just read it and assign to some variable. *first or second line you type in 'command line' console (type cmd in run bookmark of Windows Start button) or save in .txt file as batch file (so with .bat extension instead of .txt). Then run.

And here comes Autohotkey with very simple way to do the above. When you download and install it, you create .ahk file (later if you need compiled to .exe) and put inside this code line:

FileAppend, , %A_ScriptDir%\%clipboard%.txt

FileApend is command to create files (not only text ones) as well as putting some content inside. The above line checks location of just executed script file and create there empty text file, giving it name of clipboard content.

This script can be ran by XMBC, for ex. by this commands in simulated keystrokes:


where someText is that you want to put to clipboard, what will be used by the .ahk script to name new .txt file, after XMBC run second command (that with a path)

Why to do it? There are probably many goals of its usage, but for me it's to run a JavaScript file with many different functions. They can be used in some programs better than imitation of human actions you usually do using XMBC simulated keystrokes.

Instead of {run:D:\text.txt}{waitms:500}{ctrl}a{ctrl}c{alt}{f4} and so on, like open internet browser, translator, paste text, move mouse cursor to some point, and click, you can write a script which will do the same but for sure with no fail. That was of course cheap example, and personally I woulnd't wirte any script to do that examplary action, just used what XMBC gives. But there are some situations where some things doens't happen once, and you don't want to click all the time to run XMBC action. The more beside using loop, sometimes program has to decide how to act.



Phil, I have new idea what you could do in next beta, that XMBC users will use CB command for other needs than my. Beside PATHS and VARIABLES bookmarks/buttons you can add another one: TEXTS or CONTENT.
As you see now we can put rather short text lines to {cb:<text>}. But if there was TEXT section, we can could store there long some longer texts which could be used as variable to be put to CB command.

I have no idea why someone had to do it, so maybe it's not worth of even thinking of it :) but hmmm I could keep there snippsets, general constructions of codes I could constantly use creating some functions or objects. After clicking certain XMBC buttons it would paste to my editor some unfilled / undone schemes, where then I would type in only things I need at the moment, so without writing everything from beggining.

ITEM 2a:

Maybe that could be also good for creting files/folders with name of clipboard? Not the way it's now because you could by clicking some XMBC button have only one name. If current CB command was extended of reading clipboard by for ex.: {CBR} then we could make such simulate keystroke code:

{crt:C:\Users\Maro\Desktop, CBR, csv}

where there would be 2 - 3 arguments. TWO (path and fileName with extension) if someone did that without CBR so:

{crt:C:\Users\Marek\Desktop, someFile.csv}

and THREE if CBR was used as second parameter, then extension would take 3rd place.

ITEM 2b:

something like saving content from TEXTS button or text taken to clipboard to already existing file could automate many repeated human actions too:

{sav: <path>, <variable>} where path is location of file we want to "secretly" open (so without visual action) and paste variable (text). Path could be taken from PATHS bookmark, while text would be CBR or content of TEXTS bookmark.

ITEM 2c:

Let's go forward. We "have" now :D PATHS, VARIABLES and TEXTS bookmarks (to make all easier they could be opened as .txt files stored in ...\Highresolution Enterprises\XMouseButtonControl folder as separate files, each for other category). Inside of each (opened by clicking related button in simulated keystrokes window) users would put their variables due to some easy described rules. So if that was VARIABLES file then content of it could look like:

save = {ctrl}s{tab}{enter};
copy = {ctrl}a{ctrl}c{run:notepad.exe}{ctrl}v;
pass = {tab}userName{waitms:250}{tab}12345{waitms:250}{enter};


desktop = 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\';
PS = 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)';
XMBC = 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Highresolution Enterprises\XMouseButtonControl';

TEXTS (divided by lines?), it's hard to make some contructions of code in notepad, as they have indentations, even there can be problem with plain text, so it'll fail :(

Anyway I started 2c to propose new button/bookmark: CLIPBOARDS, with array-like construction. So if we had TCB (to clipboard) or CBA (clipboard array/add) and someone used it with XMBC to bind to some button that person could write this code:

{ctrl}a{ctrl}c{CBA} or {seco}{CBA} if someone set in variables 'seco' for select all and copy commands.

How that could be used? even with only {CBA} in simulated keystrokes. For example someone browse internet for looking some information on many pages. Or someone like me search for some codes, but needs to have only some parts of them to keep and use later or look into more carefuly. He doesn't need to add some of them to favorites, as he needs only some part of text on these sites. So he marks with mouse that interesting part of text and click for ex. Middle Button which sends selected content to CLIPBOARDS section. Later when he has time he opens CLIPBOARD bookmark and some of them delete, while some keep, and then by hand or automatically (if there is such option), transfer it to .txt file, while content of CLIPBOARD section is cleared.

OK, I didn't know I will write so much again. I had to come with little tutorial about new command {cb} :) so probably I mistaken topics :)
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

Ha ha ha, Thx to {cb:} I can make empty clipboard and then using beofre mentioned AHK script:

FileAppend, , %A_ScriptDir%\%clipboard%.txt create no named txt file: .txt what normally is not possible :)
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by maxoku »

phil wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:05 pmIt should only apply once the axis is locked, and if you move the mouse left or right (when scrolling vertically) the horizontal will be added to the vertical movement - which means if you move only horizontally, its not going to have much impact but diagonally should improve scrolling and will add to the vertical direction you are moving....
Well, then I guess it works great. :P
What do you mean "Scrolling with mouse scroll in this mode is completely blocked" Is this a change (have I broken something)?
I meant the mouse wheel :lol: . When I enter the Change Movement to Scroll mode the mouse wheel doesn't work at all. I think that it should work as normal scrolling or just work like every other mouse button to exit the mode. Probably it happened in a one of previous betas where you gave to every mouse button function to leave the mode.

For crying out loud kończ waść wstydu oszczędź :lol: . It's enough. Stop putting so long posts and multiple posts in a row please. My eyes hurt. :lol:
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by Kukurykus »

Musiałem odrobić jakoś moją nieobecność. A że ostatnio jestem 'komputerowo' nad wyraz aktywny dałem temu taki oto "wyraz" :D
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by maxoku »

Kukurykus wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:00 pmMusiałem odrobić jakoś moją nieobecność. A że ostatnio jestem 'komputerowo' nad wyraz aktywny dałem temu taki oto "wyraz" :D
Mieć tyle wolnego czasu, że pisać tyle, ja nie mam nawet, żeby przeczytać :P . Stwórz nowy topic lub kilka jak napisał Phil. Oczu potrzebuję do pracy, nie krzywdź mi ich, bo mnie zwolnią. :lol:

Translation: (especially for Phil's request :roll:)
Having so many free time to write so much, I don't even have enough time to read it :P . Create a new topic or few like Phil said. I need my eyes for my work, don't harm them or they fire me. :lol:

In English it sounds better. :P
Last edited by maxoku on Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by phil »

Guys, get a room!
If your going to post in Polish, please do so in another thread/private message - or at least put some sort of translation here (and watch your language :)).

(Especially when you are agreeing wit me hahaha :)).
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by maxoku »

Sorry Phil, won't happen again :P . I'll try to translate some.
And don't send us so quickly to other room like it was a punishment for being naughty. :angel: :lol:
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Re: XMBC 2.17 Beta

Post by injtsvetkov »

Hi Phil,

The "Button Held Time Dependent Actions" text in the button drop-down pretty much eats up the space and leaves little room for the description. Considering it may have up to 4 different actions assigned maybe it could be shorter (e.g. "Button Held" only) in order to accommodate more descriptions.

HAMA Mirano
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