URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config.

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config.

Post by alison22000 »

I have a badly disabled friend who needs urgent help with a gaming problem, who I call "DJO", just so you all know because I will use his name in this post which is his gaming name he likes to use, but anyway to the point of this help request. :cry:

DJO uses a head setup system and also some installed programs on his computer to allow him to play PC Games as normal, like any other gaming player who would use the keyboard and mouse, he needs the Head setup because he is not able to play games like most people commonly do, in which I mean with his hands. DJO is use to the head system and usually doesn't have many issues with the Head setup and games to function together, most games are fine, except the one in this post....

He has a game and so do I that we both play and I have been trying to help DJO the last couple of days, with helping him with a problem he has with trying to set the game up so when he does the head action to get it to press the left Mouse button, the left click will make the character in the game to move forward. Now just quickly, the problem isn't the head set, that works fine, it is the key bindings as I will explain thoroughly.

The game is a Windows PC game called "Clive Barker's: Jericho". I was hoping to add an attachment of the games actual key configuration file so you could see, but unlike many games where in the config file for keyboard/mouse controls, where they would usually have the settings in one main control setup, this game actually has a separate area in the config file for Joy 1, joy 2, Mouse & Keyboard controls. Typically the config file for key/mouse mappings would usually be connected or separated a little, but not really bind a control setup for each type of controls.

So we have been trying to bind the Left Mouse Button click, to set it to Move Forward. Such as remapping the move forward control from "W" to the "UP" Arrow. Now the game will allow us to make that setting, but to try and bind the "UP" Arrow action to move forward, so that when you click the "LEFT" mouse button, it will do the same thing as the "UP" Arrow. Now in all the other games I have installed, I have been able to set that up, by just altering the settings in the control config file, but this game doesn't like keyboard controls in the mouse setting location and it wont allow the reverse. It allows me to save the edited file, but when you restart the game to play it, the game auto reset's it back to normal and the read or write only settings doesn't have any impact.

This has forced us to try alternative procedures, and programs, there was another program we tried but it was Joy2mouse and of course we are talking about mouse and keyboard, lol, so the Joy2mouse program doesn't help because we don't use a joystick, and we were advised to use the X-Mouse Button Control program, in which we have version 2.0.

With this program I now have high hopes, but the guide a FAQ'S area doesn't really help us in the area of Gaming. So I am here now, in a Plea for as quick of a reply as humanly possible, to get help from someone who could please explain which settings to set etc, with as much directions on how to set the settings up, so we can use this software to finally get the game forced to set the Left Mouse Click to Move the players Movement Direction Forward. So all we need is one set of setup instructions that will allow us to use the Left Click to Walk Forward (Move Player Straight Ahead by Left Mouse Click).

This is something that is very important to both of us to get resolved as it has been troubling DJO for around 6 months, where he was forced to stop playing the game, just because of this 1 single stupid setting, in which I am praying so badly that this forum would be the inevitable end to our config problems. I seriously hope I have been able to explain this situation to the best of my ability. Such as the problem with the Guide on the use of this program not giving help regarding to game control instructions. The Guide details a lot of programs commonly used by windows, but doesn't help with Game issues. I also hope that I have detailed the problem with not knowing exactly how to configure the program to do what we need it to and I seriously hope that I have detailed the exact controls that need to be configured so we can use the mouse left click to move our character forward. :shock:

I feel that we might actually get some serious action from this forum, so we can finally fix this issue and get it dealt with once and for all, but if the X-Mouse Button Control v2.0 cannot do the settings that we need, then if someone could refer us to the next step or program to use/try.

I Thank You All for reading this obviously very long a detailed question and that I haven't confused anyone, as I know this is a complicated question with everything that had to be told, for the readers to better help us.

Thank You and Take Care and I will check back often in order to continue to provide any information required.

Yours Ever Gratefully.

Alison Black.

PS: I do not have DJO' Exact Computer Specs, but I am sure that he is running Windows XP the last I heard, but I will be able to confirm this tomorrow once I speak to him next.
Thank You everyone for any and all that you might be able to do :)
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Re: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config

Post by phil »

Hi Alison, Wow that was a long post :)
I will try to answer but feel free to ask again if I miss anything or it is not clear.

The solution should be easy BUT some games work at a lower level and will not react to the keys sent by XMBC. If this happens, then XMBC is useless as a solution to your problem (so lets hope not!)
  • Leave keyboard sequence in game as default ( eg. W to move forward).
  • Remap left mouse button to send W key while pressed.
Firstly: Please be aware that changing the left mouse button for all applications can be "dangerous" although this may not apply in this special situation. Therefore the first thing I recommend is that you enable (tick) the general setting "Bypass all actions when scroll lock is on" that way if anything goes wrong you only have to hit scroll lock to "disable" XMBC's mappings temporarily allow you to easily change it.

Now we can configure the mapping in XMBC:
  • Open the XMBC configuration window.
  • Add an application specific profile for the game. The easy way is to run the game then ALT+TAB switch back to your desktop, open XMBC and press the "Add" profile button, Then select the game from the list of running applications. Alternately, you can just type the games EXE name into the add profile box if you know it (but beware its not always obvious). As a last resort, you can use the default profile (but this will apply to all applications).
  • In the new profile, in the Left button drop-down, select "Simulated Keystrokes".
    This will open a new window to specify the key sequence...
  • In the custom keys input field type W.
  • In the 'how to send' drop-down, select "During"
  • Press OK
  • Press Apply to save your changes
Go back to the game and test it.

Let me know how you get on, especially if you have trouble setting up the application profile for the game.

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Re: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config

Post by alison22000 »

Thanks for that information and I apologize for the very long post, it is just an important matter for me to get dealt with so I wanted to ensure that I was completely clear on all I said so there was no confusion, so sorry about that. :)

I am going to need to wait until he is available until we can get these settings tested and then I will let you know how we went on. DJO has a very different computer setup than most of us would have, so i think the settings would work for him, but because of your warning on a normal system, such as my own, I am a little worried about trying the settings on my system. He does have a lot of stuff set up for his computer so he should be fine, but I have to confirm this. I will be back as soon as possible, and Thank you again for Everything :)
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Re: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config

Post by phil »

I didnt mean to scare you off. The setting "disable when scroll lock is on" will allow you to disable xmbc easily if you manage to lock out your mouse thats all. There are other solutions, but thats the easy one so I mentioned it first!!!

Also, no problem about the long post (I understand) :)

Im not sure what timezone you are in, I reckon its different from mine (UK UTC+1), but I will try and answer any questions you have as soon as I can.

Good luck.
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Re: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config

Post by phil »

Also, you could always test the operation using a button other than the left button. Say for example, the 4th and 5th button to try it out :).
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config

Post by alison22000 »

Cool, I will give it a whirl for DJO just to see how it goes and see if it will help, which I sincerely believe it will, so I will let you know once I have done it all, DJO was very happy to see the post I made and the response we got from you, he was very excited, but he has something really cool that he has going for around 2 weeks, where he is making the ending of a short movie, I am really happy for him, so for now i will check the settings and set it to 4th or 5th mouse, so I can see if it is going to really help and the Scroll Lock key would be very handy if anything goes wrong, which I plan nothing will. Thanks and chat to you soon.

PS: I am GMT + 10:00 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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Re: URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED! Problem with a Game, move config

Post by phil »

Hi Alison,

Did you ever manage to get it working?
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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