Missing clicks

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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Re: Missing clicks

Post by phil »

No, to use the SendInput API, it has to send the virtual keycodes (or scancodes), which differ from the characters. So XMBC has to translate the character to the keycodes. To do that, it uses standard API calls, but they require to know the language. So if the current language is not the language the keys were entered, it caused problems. To alleviate that it also loaded the US English key layout, but that was always problematic. Now it will store the language layout with the simkeys, and use that.

Does it help?!
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Re: Missing clicks

Post by cuba »

So that's only a virtual keycode and not a hardware scan code like KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE? I thought, hardware should work without switching layout
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Re: Missing clicks

Post by phil »

It can send scancodes, that's the fall back position if it cant decode virtual keycodes from the characters. But getting the scancode from a character is even more tricky and still depends on knowing the keyboard layout to do so. Hardware works without knowing the layout, but XMBC is software, calling the SendInput API which expects input as if it came from hardware.

So does it work better now?
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: Missing clicks

Post by cuba »

Hi, I'm on beta 24, and it is not working when languages mismatch.As a dev - I understand you point, as a user - who cares if it is software or hardware? :)
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Re: Missing clicks

Post by phil »

Yes, as a user you shouldn't care. But its not working - so you do care - and I was just explaining.
Actually you might care if you were playing games too because many games block software injected keys (as it can be used for cheating). I have actually started playing with a hardware solution for XMBC to send keys from physical hardware to get around that sort of blocking - but it requires an external physical (arduino) device... But that's another story!

Anyway, I know it does not work in beta 24 - I fixed it for you (I hope) in beta 26!
--[ Phil ]--
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Re: Missing clicks

Post by cuba »

Hi, I've installed v26 and tested for a week. It works! No issues found for a period. Thank you so much!
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