Problems with Sticky hold function

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:35 pm

Problems with Sticky hold function

Post by khold »

Hi again Phil!

I recently discovered a problem with simulated keys - sticky hold function.

I have mapped Tilt Wheel left and right with {SHIFT}{WAITMS50} and {ALT}{WAITMS50} which works and the Setting "Reset sticky buttons when any other button is pressed" Enabled.

But it only releases it if i press any other mouse buttons ex button 4-5-middle etc not my keyboard keys.

This only occurs in Star wars the old republic but it works as intended in minecraft.
Log attached:

Code: Select all

15-12-2011 14:44:36> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Clear hotkeys...
15-12-2011 14:44:36> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Opening setup dialog.
15-12-2011 14:44:46> Applying changes to X-Mouse Button Control settings...
15-12-2011 14:44:46> Enabling extra debug logging.
15-12-2011 14:44:46.0851> HookDLL: Load Settings took 15ms
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0319> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=1334, Y=875, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19417319, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0319> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0413> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=1334, Y=875, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19417413, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0428> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0444> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:44:47> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Setup dialog closed.
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0475> HookDLL: Load Settings took 0ms
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0553> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 1208, 'swtor.exe' for HWND 0x000D08AA using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0569> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [1334,873]) from 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' (0x00000000) to 'swtor.exe' (0x000D08AA).
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0584> Enabling application specific button settings for 'swtor.exe'...
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0584> Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Right = ** Same As Default Profile **, Middle = Simulated Keys{SPACE}, 4th = ** Same As Default Profile **, 5th = ** Same As Default Profile ** Scroll Up = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Down = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Left = Simulated Keys{SHIFT}{WAITMS50}, Tilt Right = Simulated Keys{ALT}{WAITMS50}, InvertScrolling=off ScrollPages=off
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0600> Enabling layer 0
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0818> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=1221, Y=657, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19417818, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0834> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0912> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=960, Y=540, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19417912, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0928> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:44:47.0943> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:44:52.0498> Checkversion: Skipping version check as we are within 30 days of last check.
15-12-2011 14:44:52.0154> MouseHookData: Message=0x020e (WM_MOUSEHWHEEL), X=1084, Y=629, mouseData=0xFF880000, flags=0x00000000, time=19423154, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0169> WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: MouseData 0xff880000 (-120), Flags 0x00000000, Time 19423154ms, ExtraInfo 0
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0169> Translating TiltLeft Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 28 [Simulated Keys '{SHIFT}{WAITMS50}' (sticky hold)]
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0185> Key Hold Sticky: Button *DOWN*
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0200> WAITMS waiting for 50 milliseconds
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0263> Resetting modifier key state as we have sent last modified key...
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0278> SendKeyState: VKCode=0x0 Scancode=0x0 Flags=0x1 Release=0:
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0294> Ignoring key injected by X-Mouse Button Control
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0310> Translating TiltLeft Button Up Keystate 0x4: Action 28 [Simulated Keys '{SHIFT}{WAITMS50}' (sticky hold)]
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0310> Resetting sticky: [Key Hold]
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0325> Resetting sticky: [Key Hold]
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0341> Key Hold Sticky: Resetting stuck keys '{SHIFT}{WAITMS50}'
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0356> Resetting modifier key state as we have sent last modified key...
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0372> SendKeyState: VKCode=0x0 Scancode=0x0 Flags=0x1 Release=1:
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0372> Ignoring key injected by X-Mouse Button Control
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0388> Key Hold Sticky: Button up without down - starting sticky!
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0403> WAITMS waiting for 50 milliseconds
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0466> Resetting modifier key state as we have sent last modified key...
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0481> SendKeyState: VKCode=0x0 Scancode=0x0 Flags=0x1 Release=0:
15-12-2011 14:44:53.0497> Ignoring key injected by X-Mouse Button Control
15-12-2011 14:44:57.0114> MouseHookData: Message=0x020b (WM_XBUTTONDOWN), X=1084, Y=629, mouseData=0x00010000, flags=0x00000000, time=19428114, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:57.0130> Translating XLeft Button Down Keystate 0x4: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0224> MouseHookData: Message=0x020c (WM_XBUTTONUP), X=1084, Y=629, mouseData=0x00010000, flags=0x00000000, time=19428224, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0239> Translating XLeft Button Up Keystate 0x24: Action 74 (** Same As Default Profile **) becomes Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0239> Resetting sticky: [Key Hold]
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0255> Key Hold Sticky: Resetting stuck keys '{SHIFT}{WAITMS50}'
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0270> Resetting modifier key state as we have sent last modified key...
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0286> SendKeyState: VKCode=0x0 Scancode=0x0 Flags=0x1 Release=1:
15-12-2011 14:44:58.0302> Ignoring key injected by X-Mouse Button Control
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0172> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 2736, 'explorer.exe' for HWND 0x0001017A using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0188> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [-5,634]) from 'swtor.exe' (0x000D08AA) to 'explorer.exe' (0x0001017A).
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0203> Enabling default button settings...
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0203> Left = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Right = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Middle = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, 4th = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, 5th = ** No Change (Don't intercept) ** Scroll Up = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Scroll Down = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Tilt Left = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Tilt Right = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, InvertScrolling=off ScrollPages=off
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0219> Enabling layer 0
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0234> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 2216, 'mumble.exe' for HWND 0x00010612 using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0250> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 3260, 'sndvol.exe' for HWND 0x001405BA using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0406> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 2216, 'mumble.exe' for HWND 0x00010612 using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:01.0484> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 2736, 'explorer.exe' for HWND 0x0001017A using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0248> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 2216, 'mumble.exe' for HWND 0x00010612 using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0280> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 2736, 'explorer.exe' for HWND 0x0001017A using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0857> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=-40, Y=858, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19432857, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0857> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0935> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=-40, Y=858, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19432935, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0935> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0950> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0075> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=-40, Y=858, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19433075, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0091> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:02> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Clear hotkeys...
15-12-2011 14:45:02> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Opening setup dialog.
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0138> Setup dialog init took 0ms
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0153> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=-40, Y=858, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19433153, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:02.0153> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0169> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0184> Load Settings took 15ms
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0730> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 1208, 'swtor.exe' for HWND 0x000D08AA using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0730> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [1,826]) from 'explorer.exe' (0x0001017A) to 'swtor.exe' (0x000D08AA).
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0746> Enabling application specific button settings for 'swtor.exe'...
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0762> Left = ** Same As Default Profile **, Right = ** Same As Default Profile **, Middle = Simulated Keys{SPACE}, 4th = ** Same As Default Profile **, 5th = ** Same As Default Profile ** Scroll Up = ** Same As Default Profile **, Scroll Down = ** Same As Default Profile **, Tilt Left = Simulated Keys{SHIFT}{WAITMS50}, Tilt Right = Simulated Keys{ALT}{WAITMS50}, InvertScrolling=off ScrollPages=off
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0777> Enabling layer 0
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0871> GetProcessName: Got name for PID 4828, 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' for HWND 0x000C09E8 using GetModuleFileNameEx
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0886> Detected active app/window change (due to mouse over [560,665]) from 'swtor.exe' (0x000D08AA) to 'xmousebuttoncontrol.exe' (0x000C09E8).
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0886> Enabling default button settings...
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0902> Left = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Right = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Middle = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, 4th = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, 5th = ** No Change (Don't intercept) ** Scroll Up = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Scroll Down = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Tilt Left = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, Tilt Right = ** No Change (Don't intercept) **, InvertScrolling=off ScrollPages=off
15-12-2011 14:45:03.0918> Enabling layer 0
15-12-2011 14:45:04.0776> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=616, Y=789, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19434776, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:04.0807> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:04.0869> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=616, Y=789, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19434869, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:04.0885> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:04.0900> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:45:05.0868> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=815, Y=696, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19435868, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:05.0883> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:05.0961> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=815, Y=696, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19435961, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:05.0977> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:05.0992> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:45:06.0757> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=1040, Y=787, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19436757, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:06.0772> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:06.0850> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=1040, Y=787, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19436850, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:06.0866> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:06.0882> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:45:07.0802> MouseHookData: Message=0x0201 (WM_LBUTTONDOWN), X=1232, Y=786, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19437802, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:07.0818> Translating Left Button Down Keystate 0x0: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:07.0896> MouseHookData: Message=0x0202 (WM_LBUTTONUP), X=1237, Y=784, mouseData=0x00000000, flags=0x00000000, time=19437896, dwExtraInfo=0x0, MouseHookPtr=0x3408CF
15-12-2011 14:45:07.0927> Translating Left Button Up Keystate 0x1: Action 40 [** No Change (Don't intercept) **]
15-12-2011 14:45:07.0942> No sticky buttons set.
15-12-2011 14:45:07> Applying changes to X-Mouse Button Control settings...
15-12-2011 14:45:07.0020> Save settings took 15ms
15-12-2011 14:45:07> Disabling extra debug logging.
15-12-2011 14:45:08> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Setup dialog closed.
15-12-2011 14:47:09> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Clear hotkeys...
15-12-2011 14:47:09> CMyMessageWnd::OnSetup   -   Opening setup dialog.
15-12-2011 14:52:14> Display resolution changed (1920, 1080)
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Re: Problems with Sticky hold function

Post by phil »

Urm, release on any button means mouse button... not keys so I'm not surprised that is what it is doing!
There is no code to attempt to release on key press...

Do you think the any button *should* be any button/key? or two separate options?
I will see what I can do for the next version.

--[ Phil ]--
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Re: Problems with Sticky hold function

Post by khold »

phil wrote:Do you think the any button *should* be any button/key? or two separate options?
I will see what I can do for the next version.
Ah I see
My fault for not seeing that.
Option 2: two separate options would be the optimal choice if i can enable both together or separately for additional functioning.
Otherwise option 1: meaning " any button/key" functionality

As always my sincere thanks for the awesome work with the program!
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Re: Problems with Sticky hold function

Post by Ashe »

Just like to second the request for this function, if it might be possible -thanks.
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Re: Problems with Sticky hold function

Post by phil »

2.4 Beta 4 has option 1 in it for now. I intend to separate them in a subsequent beta as/when I move the settings tabs around a bit.

Let me know if it works :)

--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: Problems with Sticky hold function

Post by phil »

Well this one was a looooong time ago, but was just brought to my attention on Discord...
And, it just so happens that I added an option to abort sticky repeated keys in 2.21 Beta 20 last week!
This is a configurable option, on a per repeated simkey (method 6 & 7) configuration.
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
Windows 10 x64, AMD Ryzen 5900x, MSI x570 Tomahawk, 32GB DDR4,
nVidia RTX 2070s, Evo 970 1Tb NVME, 2x2TB WD Black (RAID1)
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