XMBC Beta 2.20

x64 Replacement/Alternative to Microsoft's IntelliMouse application.
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XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

It has been far too long since I released 2.19. There were a few followup releases, fixing issues found in the original 2.19 release.
I have continued to tinker with XMBC but really haven't had much time to dedicate to it - as life moves on, It is becoming increasing difficult to find time to devote to XMBC, and when I have done, its mostly been to combat little buts rather than add new functionality.

With that in mind, last weekend I was finally able to get in a day of action, again more bug fixes mostly and a few little new things (nothing major) to ward off some of the recent comments and requests. So its about time I got this out there and give it a proper run out. Several have tested internal betas for a while now and while there were no massive problems, I'm still chasing a couple of bugs that happen so infrequently, its really tricky to find them! The more people using the beta, the more chance of that I hope.

Warning... Beta versions may contain more bugs (and sometimes more serious bugs)!
While it is really useful to be able to test new features before they get into the release version, sometimes a change may break things. You can always re-install the previous release or a previous beta version if this happens - but you should be aware that this can happen!

Due to the ongoing time constraint problem I have, I still need to either target small wins, things that wont take long but will have a significant impact for people OR a single "big" thing. The problem is, that the big things are often only useful to one or two people (difficult to judge before they actually exist) so prioritizing them is tricky.

With that in mind, I'm not going down the usual route of listing things I will do, rather just list the things I have done, i.e. what needs focus for testing. This list is therefore fluid rather than static and as things crop up, I may decide to add them. But ideally, I would like to get 2.20 out sooner rather than later so don't expect it to grow too much.

Unusually, we start the 2.20 beta run at beta 4. This is because there have been three (actually more but hey) internal betas that only I and a select few have had to test (over the last year and a half).

Please keep this beta thread on topic. It is for announcements and reporting bugs in the current beta, NOT for requesting new features and/or asking about existing (non-beta) functionality!

The things currently fixed/implemented in 2.20 are:
  • #745 - Prevent simultaneous axis locking (if X is locked when locking Y, unlock X and visa-versa). Added additional simkey tag {LOCKC} to cycle locked axis.
  • #741 - Persist current (active) layer across reboot/restart is not working.
  • #738 - Fixed issue loading/saving "randomisedelay" in the XML settings file for MTS simkey actions causing random values in the field (not a problem but weird)
  • #737 - Fixed problem with SimKeys {APPS} tag which was being treated as a modifier key when it should not be.
  • #736 - Increased delay between clicks when sending DOUBLE CLICK (from dropdown actions list).
  • #734 - Add ability to abort button hold with HELD action if the cursor moves.
  • #731 - Added detection of Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019
  • #730 - Added {FLUSH} simkey tag to clear any already running simulated input queue.
  • #728 - Added {WAITMS:<x>-<y>} tag to add a random delay between x and y milliseconds.
  • #727 - Fixed issues with Enhanced Pointer Precision being changed when "Allow XMBC to change cursor speeds" is disabled. Also fixed issues with this particular function, not working, clearing EPP when it should be turning it on etc.
  • #724 - Fixed issues where mouse cursor speed cycle was half the speed requested (windows is 1-20, entry allows 1-10 like the slider). Also fixed slow down cursor so when it resets, it reverts to the cycle speed in use (if applicable).
  • #712 - Fixed hard crash when importing profile file.
  • #717 - Fixed issue with scrolling to change volume when mouse is in high resolution scroll (smooth scrolling) mode.
  • #707 - Fixed active profile not highlighting when description is NULL/Empty
  • #674 - Further logging to help diagnose another issue on resume from sleep/unlocking desktop
  • #617 - Additional simkey tags to explicitly UNLOCK axis!
  • #698 - Fixed issue detecting right shift/alt/ctrl/apps key as modifier key.
  • #697 - Improved handling of chord cancel on movement somewhat.
  • #674 - Further logging to help diagnose another issue on resume from sleep/unlocking desktop
NOTE: Green = Done, Red = Pushed back from the previous run - big issues less likely to be looked at!

Known Issues:
  • XMBC still has a problem where it can lock up (#674) - it should be better now but I haven't found the root cause and it still happens. The problem is trying to figure out the root cause is extremely difficult as there are no obvious steps to reproduce. Usually this happens when resuming from sleep and a lot of extra logging has been added in this area. If XMBC stops responding, please send me the log. If you can make it stop/lock up easily, even more important, tell me how!
  • Another infrequent but obvious one is that occasionally, the mouse cursor will change (usually to the locked axis cursor) on my system. The axis are not locked and hitting the mouse buttons seems to fix it, but I haven't worked out what is causing it. Again, if you can reproduce reliably let me know how!
  • I have changed some of the language translation template mostly on the simkey help text where I've split a single long multi line string into separate lines. I have updated the translation templates to accommodate this but may have missed something. there are also a few new translations for the new minor features etc. But there shouldn't be too much work to do to update the translation templates (at this stage!).
Feedback welcome. If you think I have missed something you are waiting for, let me know. My full (readonly) todo/bug list is available here.

As usual, any problems, PM me a copy of the log file (or post a snippet in a code block here).

If you have check for beta versions enabled, you should get notified of a new version and prompted to update in the next day or so. This is the most efficient method (bandwidth wise) as the updates are only a fraction of the size of the full install. Otherwise, you can get the full installation beta HERE. Note that this link will always get you the latest beta version!

--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by spitfire_ch »

I am very excited to see a new version and sincerely hope you are doing better, at least a bit :-/

Thanks for keeping XMBC alive!
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by MisfortuneCookie »

Thank you for pouring a little more love into this special tool. Unfortunately, my experience with the beta became a comedy of errors. It seems there is a problem with the "Lines to Scroll With Scroll Wheel" setting, and however it chooses between the two different (?) line-scroll settings in the Windows 10 Mouse configuration (what a god awful operating system...)

Not only is there setting directly under "Mouse" ("Choose how many lines to scroll each time), there is an additional setting under the link on the same screen, "Additional mouse options."

There, under the "wheel" tab, there is an additional "Vertical Scrolling" settings to designate the number of lines for each scroll. One does not seem to correlate with the other. (Yes, again, a godawful operating system)

The issue I experienced that the scroll kept reverting to a single line of scrolling, and between one or the other it always seemed one would be set to "1." Very confusing, but immediately apparent. No matter what I set the lines to in X-Mouse it always seemed to wiggle back to "1" in practice. My profile uses many window-profiles and auto-switching, it's a pretty overwrought beast... Perhaps something is happening regarding that.

The other strange scroll issue I encountered was that, upon setting the Line Scroll in X-Mouse to my traditional "3", and before it reverted back to "1", each mouse-scroll would also execute the action assigned three times if the wheel, or a chord+wheel combination was triggered! For instance, in my media player, holding leftmouse + scrollldown skipped ahead 10secs + 10secs + 10secs, when in previous versions it would only execute an action once (+10secs) even with the setting for line-scrolling at "three." Not a desirable behavior!

I reverted to the previous stable build and everything was back to normal. Good luck, and thank you very much.
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

Odd, because I don't recall changing anything between 2.19.2 and now in that area (not to say I haven't done so - it has been over a year).
I will have to investigate next time I get the chance!
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by marthymart »


I created an account to say thanks to you Phil. I am a BIG fan of the new {WAITMS:<x>-<y>}

Have a good day.
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by ggb667 »

Hey, thanks for working on this. I love this program and use it every day. I recently found a minor issue where SCROLL LOCK from XMBC was sharing the disable key with synergy (a screen sharing program), but you included a way to disable that! Thanks.

Would be nice if we could assign a more complex key combination another key to the disablement though. Like CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-X or something. Preferably something you can hit left handed.
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

You can - in global hotkeys, other keys tab - enable/disable XMBC!
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by duk6046 »

I have the same problem as MisfortuneCookie, wheel scroll behavior is not blocked and repeat 3~4 times,
maybe the new blocking option seems to be the problem.
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

I've just made 2.20 Beta 5 available.

It should primarily fix the broken scroll wheel remapping (causing repeated actions) which was reported above in beta 4.

Please keep this beta thread on topic. It is for announcements and reporting bugs in the current beta, NOT for requesting new features and/or asking about existing (non-beta) functionality!

The things changed in 2.20 Beta 5 are:
  • #753 - Fixed a bug causing the chord/held cursor overlay to fail to display, and/or to re-create the overlay too often (resoucre hog)
    Cursor overlay sometimes appears randomly (I dont think this is fixed this yet - test!)
  • #752 - Fixed a bug causing the keyboard to not respond on bootup of Windows 10 when XMBC was set to autostart.
  • #740 - Add layer names to the XMBC context Layer menu (for the currently active profile)
  • #730 - Fixed a bug causing QUEUE to be flushed if no tokens were recognised.
    Fixed a bug clausing lockups when flushing queue
    Added new simkey action tags to the dropdown menu
  • #717 - Fixed error causing scroll wheel remaps to be multipled in beta4 (the opposite effect to what was wanted)
Feedback welcome. If you think I have missed something you are waiting for, let me know. My full (readonly) todo/bug list is available here.

As usual, any problems, PM me a copy of the log file (or post a snippet in a code block here).

If you have check for beta versions enabled, you should get notified of a new version and prompted to update in the next day or so. This is the most efficient method (bandwidth wise) as the updates are only a fraction of the size of the full install. Otherwise, you can get the full installation beta HERE. Note that this link will always get you the latest beta version!

--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by eone »

Is there a way to permanently switch between layers in a profile without using global hotkeys?
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

eone wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:26 am Hi
Is there a way to permanently switch between layers in a profile without using global hotkeys?
Yes, you can switch layers using XMBC's context menu (in the tray by the clock) and it should stay there until you change it (via the menu, the hotkeys or a mouse button).

But what exactly has that got to do with 2.20 Beta?
--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by xmau »

While trying beta 5, I want to try to create a simkeys macro to automate a task to move around, click something etc.

To keep it simple for testing, I set it on middle mouse button that had **no change previously.

Well, nothing happened when I pressed middle button.

So I reverted back to stable, also because stable changed volume by 1 step, versus beta-5 change volume by 3 step, for each mouse notch.

Back to stable, I noticed the middle button lost my macro and reverted back to **no change, but after retyping back my macro - it now works as expected. Strange.
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

I've just made 2.20 Beta 6 available

The things changed in 2.20 Beta 5 are:
  • #755 - System Tray Icon does not get removed correctly.
  • #754 - Fixed an issue with VOL- caused by the native Windows acceleration of the VK_VOLUME_DOWN key.
    Added support for new simulated keystroke tag {VOL:<%>}.
    Added support for custom volume increments with {VOL+:<%>} and {VOL-:<%>}.
    NOTE: The Windows Volume OSD will not show when using these tags custom volume percentage tags
Feedback welcome. If you think I have missed something you are waiting for, let me know. My full (readonly) todo/bug list is available here.

As usual, any problems, PM me a copy of the log file (or post a snippet in a code block here).

Please keep this beta thread on topic. It is for announcements and reporting bugs in the current beta, NOT for requesting new features and/or asking about existing (non-beta) functionality!

If you have check for beta versions enabled, you should get notified of a new version and prompted to update in the next day or so. This is the most efficient method (bandwidth wise) as the updates are only a fraction of the size of the full install. Otherwise, you can get the full installation beta HERE. Note that this link will always get you the latest beta version!

--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
Windows 10 x64, AMD Ryzen 5900x, MSI x570 Tomahawk, 32GB DDR4,
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by phil »

I've just made 2.20 Beta 7 available

The things changed in 2.20 Beta 6 are:
  • #761 - Fixed problem scrolling new Firefox windows (currently in the recent nightly builds. Thanks to the firefox devs contacting me!)
  • I have also tweaked the installer/updater to try and fix a problem during upgrade where XMBC is not upgraded. m not sure it works properly though!
Feedback welcome. If you think I have missed something you are waiting for, let me know. My full (readonly) todo/bug list is available here.

As usual, any problems, PM me a copy of the log file (or post a snippet in a code block here).

Please keep this beta thread on topic. It is for announcements and reporting bugs in the current beta, NOT for requesting new features and/or asking about existing (non-beta) functionality!

If you have check for beta versions enabled, you should get notified of a new version and prompted to update in the next day or so. This is the most efficient method (bandwidth wise) as the updates are only a fraction of the size of the full install. Otherwise, you can get the full installation beta HERE. Note that this link will always get you the latest beta version!

--[ Phil ]--
--[ Administrator & XMBC Author ]--
Logitech G9/G604/M720/MX518, Microsoft Intellimouse, Trust 16341 BT Mouse
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Re: XMBC Beta 2.20

Post by Marvel »

hi, is there a tag to set a delay between button presses. For example, when the {1} and {2} keys are stuck, add a 3-second pause between pressing them? Thank you (I use a translator)
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